10 Engaging Yoga Poses for Kids

10 Engaging Yoga Poses for Kids

Written by Smriti Dey
Published: December 4, 2024

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Table of Contents
Understanding Yoga
Benefits Of Yoga
10 Engaging Yoga Poses for Kids
  • Downward-Facing Dog
  • Happy Baby
  • Snake Pose
  • Tree Pose
  • Cat-Cow
  • Lion Pose
  • Warrior Pose
  • Boat Pose
  • Bridge Pose
  • Butterfly Pose

Yoga can be a very good and engaging activity for kids to attend an active lifestyle. Yoga can boost flexibility, endurance, strength, and many other physical qualities in children, along with various mental aspects like calmness and mindfulness in children. Yoga has long been rooted in India and has traces found in various Ayurvedic books.

Yoga is now popular worldwide for its benefits and movements. Help your kids get fit and flexible through yoga poses that are easy to engage in without risks. Help your kids with this daily habit to gain a good body structure, better strength and endurance, and various other benefits. Keep reading for more on health & fitness!

Understanding Yoga


It would be wrong to classify yoga through some regular exercise routine or warm-up. Yoga is a complete exercise of mind and body, connecting the soul with different core elements. Yoga also works to encourage various sensory feelings in the body with sheer concentration and focus.

Yoga can make the child fitter alongside and calm them with proper focus and concentration. The child practicing regular yoga will also be prone to fewer health problems and will be more aware of their environment. Yoga has countless benefits as an exercise routine for children growing up.

Benefits Of Yoga


Here are some benefits of yoga summarized in these pointers:
  • Yoga is critical for physical fitness, supporting various exercises for strong bones, muscles, and body tissues.
  • Yoga is also beneficial for proper physique and body structure.
  • Yoga is believed to benefit various bodily functions in children, such as digestive, nerve, and brain functions.
  • Yoga can also build up immunity.
  • Yoga helps a child become flexible easily, increasing its endurance and resistance to friction.
  • Yoga also helps a child focus and meditate better.
  • Yoga connects body and mind to the soul, making the child more aware of their surroundings and enhancing concentration.
10 Engaging Yoga Poses for Kids

Here are some easy and simple yoga poses that your child can try during their fitness session. These interesting and fun poses can encourage children to practice yoga.

1. Downward-Facing Dog

Let your kids start on all fours, then push the hips high towards the sky, making a mountain with the body. This pose is very helpful in maintaining flexibility and energy in kids.

2. Happy Baby

Let your kid lie flat on your back and bring their knees to your chest. Next, wrap the arms around the legs and gently ask them to rock back and forth, letting out happy baby giggles. The post will inculcate flexibility and fun in children through fitness, encouraging them to have an active lifestyle.

3. Snake Pose

The snake pose is a very fun pose as it helps children imitate the cobra with its fang out. It is a good stretching exercise and can even be more fruitful with controlled breathing. The snake pose is also famous for fixing children's body posture.

4. Tree Pose
Tree Pose

Tree pose is one of the easiest poses which challenges the child's balance on one leg while their hands are stretched out in a namaste pose pointing upwards. Tree pose can be a fun activity for younger children while they can work on balance.

5. Cat-Cow

The cat-cow pose is an imitation pose that is inspired by animals. Let your kids crawl in all their fours and flex their backs, imitating a cow and a cat. It is a great exercise for kids to learn about animals, too.

6. Lion Pose

Instruct your child to sit on their knees, keeping their back nice and straight. Now, encourage your child to take a big breath and open their mouth like a lion.

7. Warrior Pose

For Warrior Pose, have your child take a big step forward with one leg. They can bend their front knee and reach their arms high like a sword.

8. Boat Pose

Have your child sit on their mat and lean back a little. Now, let them hold this pose for a few breaths. To make it more engaging, have them compete with others.

9. Bridge Pose

Have your child lie flat on their back and bend their knees, bringing their feet close to their bottom. Encourage them to lift their hips high like they're building a giant bridge! They can hold their arms underneath their body for support.

10. Butterfly Pose

Let your child sit comfortably and bring the soles of their feet together. Instruct them to gently press their knees toward the ground, like a butterfly opening its wings.


Now that parents know about easy and engaging yoga poses, they can help children get intellectually engaged in interesting activities. The best part about following a yoga routine is that it never gets boring, with new poses every now and then. The poses or asanas are listed for various benefits and are in bulk so that kids can experience something new every day.

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The views expressed are that of the expert alone.

The information provided in this content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routines.


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