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Balancing Study and Play: Tips to Reduce Exam Stress with Timed Play Sessions

Written by Smriti Dey | Oct 31, 2024 5:30:00 AM



Exam time for kids is one of the most stressful and dreaded times. Children attempting for boards and pre-boards in 10th and 12th are especially exhausted during this time. It sometimes gets too much to handle. Along with the students, many parents are exhausted about their children's boards and end-term exams.

Parents and children must understand that excluding everything instead of studying will not help. Physical activities are necessary to keep the child active. Balancing study and playtime is essential to reduce exam stress with well-timed play sessions. Keep reading!

Study And Exam Pressure

Everyone dreads study pressure and exam season, here are a few pointers that will help you better understand this crucial time. Exam time frenzy is a real phenomenon among students. This happens because most teachers and parents put too much expectation and pressure on students. While keeping expectations is good, seniors need to understand that putting over expectations on children pressurizes them. Most students, parents, and teachers always prioritize study time. It is good to stay focused and prioritize examinations, but students also need to take care of overall development and health. This situation creates adversities and gaps in students' preparation, making them stressed.

Understanding Why Playtime Is Essential?

Children after 8th grade are mostly advised to stay indoors and study. This may be good advice for someone who is too involved in sports to focus on studying better. Cutting out all physical exercise in older children might be a health hazard. Playtime is essential for the body to exercise enough while moving around. Play time not only helps with the children's physical fitness as they are growing up, but it also helps the children have sharper brains. An active body provides a healthier, sharper mind with enhanced memory and strong understanding.

Parents And Playtime

Most parents pressure their children to study better, confiscating the shorter playtime. Understandably, parents and children are also concerned about exam time. A good play session can benefit the child in various ways as they perform better in exams. Playtime does not hamper a child's attention span or energy to study if it is managed well. Instead, it boosts children's ability to stay active and healthy, enhancing their memory and attention span. One hour of playtime daily will also keep their mood refreshed, motivating them to study harder. Read on to learn tips for reducing exam stress with well-timed play sessions.

Tips For Reducing Exam Stress With Well-Timed Play Sessions
Here are some tips to follow for well-timed play sessions:
1 Hour 1 Day rule

Well-timed play sessions are essential for physical activity and can set a good example of discipline. Children who are given examinations can play for one hour daily to refresh their minds and de-stress. One-hour play sessions daily can help your children stay active and energized throughout the day with enough physical movement. It is essential to know that playtime should be appropriately connected with the times of their study and group of play friends. Children should always play before or after studying, whichever suits them best. It will help tremendously to reduce stress and properly scheduling the playtime.

Short Play Sessions

It is a great idea to motivate active kids to study hard through a play session. Give your kids something to solve or study as a milestone to play a new game in between the breaks. It will not only encourage your child to play more physically. But it will also make them active and happy. Utilizing the breaks to get energy to study hard is a good sport for sure. Parents should remember one thing while deciding on physical activities or games during these shorter play times. The outdoor exercises and play should be brief and light, so the children are not exhausted from studying. A good dance session or a little cycling is a better idea. Play sessions will encourage a good time and reduce the stress of exams.

Indoor Physical Play Times

It becomes extremely difficult for children living in flats and enclosed spaces to find a place to physically play. Playing on the terrace or in the garage is a good idea for them. If they don't have access, plenty of indoor exercise games can be played in small spaces for a good time. Also, video games with physical moves can be counted as outdoor play time because they encourage children to move and replicate the actions to play. This will help them satisfy their physical needs and provide them with fun during exam time to reduce stress.


Now that parents and children know why balancing study and playtime is essential. Do not hesitate to try tips for reducing exam time with well-timed play sessions for the most productivity. Playtime is essential for physical and mental activity, preparing children to stay motivated and active all exam season.