Confused about your child’s future?

Confused about your child’s future?

Written by Jitin Chawla
Published: May 6, 2022
Eminent career counsellor and a founder of Centre for Career Development with more than 21 years of experience in mentoring students accross the world.

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Table of Contents
Still Figuring Out The Best Career Options For Them?
  • Business Analytics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Sustainable Management
  • Technocentric Design
  • Liberal Arts
  • Blockchain Developer
  • Pharmaceutical Scientist
  • Digital Marketing Strategist
  • Fintech
  • Risk Analyst
  • Special Educator
  • Agriculture
  • Cybersecurity Analyst
Still Figuring Out The Best Career Options For Them?

Every year, millions of students in India compete in the mainstream – engineering and medicine – examinations. Most of the children participating in this rat race aren’t aware of the wide variety of courses and career avenues available to them, which also have great potential. Encourage your children to look beyond these conventional career choices.

Let us explore some emerging career options beyond engineering and medicine that you can add to your research list.

Business Analytics

Companies use Business Analytics for data-driven decision making. It mainly utilises one’s analytical capabilities and knowledge of statistics and programming. Glassdoor’s Best Jobs in America reports Data Scientist as the current most lucrative job option. According to the US Bureau of Labour Statistics, this field has about a 25% job growth.


Biology meets Information Technology to create the emerging domain of bioinformatics. A bioinformatician collects and interprets data in various fields, such as genetics and pharmaceutics.

Sustainable Management

Sustainability is the talk of the hour. It is vital to have a sustainable approach in industries as a lack of integrated social planning limits the world’s ability to meet human needs in the present and the future. Sustainability management offers diverse career options, high professional growth, and a promising career. A survey carried out by the global sustainable body – Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment – revealed that the sustainable ‘green’ career workforce was ‘highly satisfied with their jobs.

Technocentric Design
  • Product Design – A technology product designer is in charge of the entire usable product and experience creation process, starting from defining real people’s problems and thinking about possible solutions and eventually leading to the most user-friendly designs.
  • Human-centred Design – Human-centred Design is an approach to problem-solving primarily used in design and management sectors that defines human perspectives in each step of the problem-solving process. Every product can be used in 100 ways (based on its functional aspects), but most people use it in the same way covering only 20% of its functionality. The human-centred design identifies this 20% functionality and designs the product around that.
  • UI/UX Design – A UX designer’s core role can be summarised as “ humanising Technology”, i.e. making complex technology accessible to humans. A UX design allows users to interact with products and services and includes websites, mobile applications and even washing machines.
  • Game Design – A game designer uses a broad range of creative and technical skills to deliver an exciting product for its users. They bring ideas, create interactive narration, build prototypes and develop game mechanics. The variety of gaming formats and platforms has increased the scope for game designing, making it a lucrative career option.
Liberal Arts

Liberal Arts is a multidisciplinary system that helps students get exposure to diverse fields rather than developing a specific skill. It helps them formulate compelling arguments, communicate well, have a problem-solving aptitude and form an expanded worldview, among other things. Delhi University’s cluster innovation centre offers a 3-yr BA(Hons) Humanities and Social Science program that enables students to adopt an interdisciplinary approach and provide holistic solutions for societal problems, especially in the clusters of education, industry, slums and village development.

Blockchain Developer

Blockchain is a decentralised public ledger that records and stores data and is resistant to changes, hacking and other frauds.A Blockchain Developer ensures secure digital transactions by designing and implementing a protected blockchain-based network, developing applications and interfaces etc.

Pharmaceutical Scientist

A Pharmaceutical Scientist must know how different compounds interact with disease-causing cells and organisms. They also investigate how these compounds interact with the human body to determine if they can become new drugs. Now, computational approaches have become the best tools for interpreting and guiding experiments to accelerate the drug design process against a targeted pathogen.

Digital Marketing Strategist

The Internet has revolutionised communication and, consequently, businesses operations. According to Economic Times, India alone will have 900 million active users by 2025, reflecting a 45% growth. As per the LinkedIn platform, “Digital Marketing Strategist” is amongst the top 10 desirable jobs today, with almost 10 lakh openings.


As per Ernst and Young’s Fintech Adoption Index, one-third of consumers utilise two or more fintech services in their daily lives. Fintech is amongst the fastest growing sectors. In India alone, it is expecting a 20% Combined Annual Growth Rate(CAGR) in the coming years.

Risk Analyst

A Risk Analyst analyses, assesses and interprets the quantum of risk an organisation faces. He is required to calculate the impact of risk with the help of data analysis. Risk Analyst specialisations include credit, liquidity, regulatory, market, and operational risk.

Special Educator

Special Education is a modified educational concept focusing on the needs of special children. This type of education is usually not fulfilled by the regular system of education.

With various governments pushing for the need for special education, there is a growing demand for such educators in both private and public sectors.


New, revivalist farming techniques include organic farming, permaculture, natural farming, precision agriculture, vertical farming etc. Sustainable agriculture with a focus on health and the environment is gaining momentum, increasing the flow of income in this sector.

Cybersecurity Analyst

Cybersecurity is amongst the most coveted job categories. The US Bureau of Labour Statistics expects a 31% growth in this field by 2025. A Cybersecurity Analyst is responsible for protecting an organisation’s networks and systems from cyber-attacks. With the increasing digitisation, data breach threats and theft have become increasingly problematic, thus, increasing the demand for cybersecurity personnel.


The best career options for your child depends on their interests, aptitude and future market potential.

Rather than selecting conventional career pathways, you should focus on their holistic development. Give them a chance to explore their interests, try different courses, summer camps, bootcamps, research diverse careers, or visit a career counsellor, before you seal their future.

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The views expressed are that of the expert alone.

The information provided in this content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routines.

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