Working on the memory and retention abilities of a kid helps them remember information for a longer time. This helps with the recollection of information during tests and to make relations between the new information and what's already known becomes easier for a child. It is important to understand that to strengthen a child's ability to retain, constant work and practice need to be done.
While re-reading a text again and again is one of the ways to make a child retain more information for a long time, it can be a bit boring. However, improving one's memory doesn't have to be that uninteresting. There are a lot of fun yet easy-to-play memory games that can help a kid indirectly strengthen their memory. These are extremely immersive and interesting games which help in keeping a child hooked for a longer time.
To play this simple game, parents have to arrange for a deck of cards. Now the cards have to be laid in a way that their face is downwards, and the common back pattern is visible. Ensure that these cards are randomly placed, but each card has a twin in the formation. The two similar cards shouldn't be placed next to each other. Now the kid has to flip one card at a time and then put it back as it was previously. The goal is to find two similar cards for all the cards placed in the least amount of time.
I Spy is yet another extremely fun game. That is also quite easy for kids to understand. It includes putting forward a puzzle that denotes an object, person, shape, or anything that needs to be guessed. The puzzle needs to have some indirect hints, for example, I spy with my little eye that flies in the sky. The answer to this puzzle is a bird. To form such interesting puzzles, encourage kids to generate creative ideas or take the help of the internet.
To play this game, each player has to take a turn and create the sound of anything that they want to. This could be a clock-ticking, a dog barking, the creaking of a table, or anything else. The other players have to guess accurately what the sound is. The opportunity to answer will be given to the person who raises their hand first. If that person is incorrect in answering, then the question will be passed on to the next person.
Brain basket is a game that helps the child associate different words that are related to each other to form a common word basket. To play this game, you have to choose a category such as a color or an animal. Now you have to ask your kid to name as many possible names as possible so that they can think of that will fit the category. This helps in better organization of information and lets them think more spontaneously.
Story building is not just a mind game that helps in better retention and memory building but also improves the creative power of a child. The game starts with giving a simple cue such as “once upon a time, they lived princess.’’ Now ask the child to make the story progress and add one line to the story. Each player playing the game will be adding one line to make the story complete. At the end of the game, ask your child to try to recollect what the total story was.
Under the cup would require the parents to arrange for 3 to 4 cups and a small object such as a ball, a lemon or anything that fits under the cup easily. The game will begin with keeping the glasses on the table with their mouths facing the table. Under one of the glasses, the parent has to add the object which is a lemon or a small ball that has been chosen. Now keep all four glasses in a sequence and shuffle them in front of the kid. After shuffling the glass for a couple of minutes, place them in a sequence again. Now ask the child to determine which of these glasses has the object under it. This game helps in improving the concentration of your child and makes them stay focused during the game as they have to navigate the continuous movement of the glass to be able to answer in the end.
To play this game, you have to put different types of objects in front of the child. This may be toys, books, and some household items. Now let them know these objects for a few seconds before, making them close their eyes and cover their eyes with a cloth. Secretly remove 2 to 3 items out of the whole bunch. Now let them open their eyes and view the objects again to see what actual objects have gone missing. It helps in improving visual memory and detail orientation among kids.
All these games are fun yet have a deeper purpose. The constant involvement in learning and retention allows the child to have a better focus. It also enhances the problem-solving skills among children and encourages spontaneity all of which can help with better memory.