Fitness And Math: Using Numbers To Stay Active And Engaged

Fitness And Math: Using Numbers To Stay Active And Engaged

Written by Kaushiki Gangully
Published: December 30, 2024

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Table of Contents
Fitness Games Using Numbers To Stay Active And Engaged
  • Tally Yard Sticks
  • Stomp And Smash Number Line
  • Hit The Target Competition
  • Graph Solving Scavenger Hunt
  • Hopscotch Math
  • Flash Card Relay
  • Number Dance
  • Paint And Hide Answer Rocks

Mathematics is one of the more exciting fields of study. Despite popular belief that most of it is theoretical, the math taught to children is mostly used daily unless they have opted for advanced calculus and trigonometry classes.

From using ratios and proportions to determine a party's catering requirements and graphing out the backyard to create a garden to knowing percentages to calculate discounts and make bank deposits, math is everywhere. And since it is such an essential skill in life and academics, it should not be as threatening as it appears to kids.

Math can be fun. It can be taken off the blackboard and out of the thick volumes into colorful and airy classrooms or even the great outdoors. All you need to do is use numbers wisely in games or try new activities that make the best use of math and fitness to ensure your kids stay both smart and healthy. Here’s a quick guide on using numbers and math to make sure your kids remain engaged and active.

Fitness Games Using Numbers To Stay Active And Engaged
Fitness Games Using Numbers To Stay Active And Engaged
Tally Yard Sticks

Small sticks are ideal for playing this game. Hand your kids a large worksheet and let them run around and pick sticks of suitable size. They can also break large sticks into small, equal sizes. Use those sticks and some glue for a nice home assignment and fitness activity and let them learn and practice mathematical tallying.

Stomp And Smash Number Line

Use tape, markers, and paper bags to make a number line. Line every point of the tape number line with air-filled paper bags and mark the numbers with Sharpies. Now, verbally provide them with a problem, say 5+4, and let them hop and stomp 4 bags from 5 to arrive at the right answer, filled with glee and exhilaration.

Hit The Target Competition
Hit The Target Competition

Let your kids improve their coordination and focus while teaching them how to make and analyze bar graphs. Use darts and a hand-drawn target with points for different colors. For every attempt with 5 darts, have your kids color and mark them on the bar graph to calculate their total points and predict their accuracy. This will make the game more competitive and fun.

Graph Solving Scavenger Hunt

This game uses graph paper to teach kids algebra and improve their basic math skills while fulfilling their daily physical activity requirements. Use a graph to plot points where clues are hidden to a secret treasure, or the first team to solve and return with the answers to all the hidden problems wins a reward. This game will keep your kids both mentally and physically engaged.

Hopscotch Math
Hopscotch Math

A fun and numerical spin on the classic game of hopscotch. Use this game to help them solve math problems with every hope. You can also make your kid jump to counts of 2, 5, 10 or more, to teach them multiplication using hopscotch.

Flash Card Relay

For this game, assign kids to three or more teams to make things fun. Assign each team a worksheet with math problems. They can either run with it or the problems can be read to them at every starting point, one at a time. Each kid needs to answer a problem and run to arrive at the next point. Their team member will immediately receive the next math problem they must solve before sprinting to the next. Kids can only make a run when they have given the right answer. The team that solves the worksheet correctly and finishes the race first wins.

Number Dance

This is a fun game for all kids who love retro-dance machines at gaming arcades or enjoy dance-offs and shows. Fill a large sheet or mat with numbers and set it on the floor. Children need to jump and dance to step on the mathematical answers to the problems they are verbally asked. This fun exercise enhances kids’ problem-solving abilities and boosts their physical health.

Paint And Hide Answer Rocks

This is a fun game to play with kids and keep them busy all day. Pick and paint some rocks with mathematical questions and their answers. Line the question rocks on the table and set kids a time limit to find the hidden answer rocks and figure out the correct solution. The first kid or team to find all the rocks and give correct answers wins.


Mathematics is a vital part of academics and life. However, it can also make physical activity more meaningful and engaging for children. Combining the two means kids get their homework done while staying and playing in the open air. This makes it a great way to improve your kid’s energy, stamina, and resilience.

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The information provided in this content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routines.

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