Fun Indoor Games for Kids to Stay Active at Home During Season Change

Fun Indoor Games for Kids to Stay Active at Home During Season Change

Written by Abeer Ray
Published: February 5, 2025

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Table of Contents
Fun Indoor Game Ideas For Kids To Keep Them Active
Keeping Your Kids Indulged
Yoga for Children

You cannot always afford to send your kids outside to play. Seasonal changes are synonymous with bacterial and viral infections, and extreme weather conditions worsen the situation. Though it might sound challenging, sudden climate changes mandate keeping kids indoors. Experts recommend that parents be aware of symptoms like stomach pain in kids as a possible reaction to harsh weather conditions. But what exacerbates the situation is that kids remain glued to television sets or their mobile screens all the time.

Confining kids indoors is not enough; they must be kept occupied, lest their minds rust away in indolence. Innovating fun and active games or encouraging kids to play indoors can help to get their creative juices flowing. Be it involving them in arts and crafts or turning daily events into simple games for fun, the idea is to keep them busy and playful.

Fun Indoor Game Ideas For Kids To Keep Them Active

There are plenty of fun and energetic games for you to indulge your kids in, especially during times of pervasive and unpleasant weather conditions. Most of them are downright easy and sociable, not to mention the exuberance that kids show when playing them. Some of them are:

Balloon volleyball: Improvisation is the key here. Instead of buying a standard volleyball, kids can blow up a balloon to play with. Create a makeshift net by hanging a cloth or bedsheet on a string or a chord. The kids can be divided into teams and scores are maintained on a blackboard to keep track of points during the play.

Hide and seek: The fun of being able to hide in your space while someone seeks you and then finds you cannot be explained. Most importantly, children realize the joy of being hidden without caring about being found. But then, remember to demarcate areas as off-limits in your house to avoid possible accidents.

Charades: What if your kids were asked to guess a word or phrase with simple hand movements? This game is a fantastic move to unite the whole family. There is fun involved with each family member vying to make correct guesses. The player must mime the word or phrase. In other words, he should neither speak nor point at an object nor make a noise.

Building blocks with Legos: Kids love to build as much as they love to destroy. Building blocks with Legos lets their imagination run wild with kids trying to create new things, be it buildings, ships, statues or any other using them. More than just passing them, this game sparks creativity in young minds as this game allows kids to build from scratch using their imagination.

Building blocks with Legos

Fort building competition: Arouse the competition streak in your kids by engaging them to build forts with blankets, pillows, plastic chairs and more. Children will treat this fort-building competition as nothing short of an adventure. They will play relentlessly unless they have created a fort in sync with their ideas. Tell your kids to furnish their forts with drawings, toys and artificial lights. They can then fill up these forts with their favorite books, cozy blankets, and pillows so that they may retreat after lunch or dinner.

Keeping Your Kids Indulged
Keeping Your Kids Indulged

Engaging young kids in indoor active play is not easy. One must dare to innovate with both indoor and outdoor games for kids, as many tend to be bored easily after a day or two. This means firing their minds up with ideas for new games without making them suspicious of your plans. If you cannot indulge your kids in new games, involve them in your work, making it look like an everyday game. You can further teach them simple height-increasing exercises that will keep them fit. Though no scientific evidence claims exercises help increase height, they will surely help to improve your child’s posture and spinal alignment. For example, hanging from a bar can release compression in the spine and aid in a certain increase in stature because of relieved compression on spinal discs. Exercises for kids are galore only if you know which and when would spark your kids’ interests.

Yoga for Children

Yoga can also be a part of fun indoor activities. It is an excellent exposure to the great benefits of physical activity, mindfulness, and relaxation. It helps them improve flexibility, strength, balance, and coordination through active participation in movements that work for healthy growth and development. More than just the benefits on the physiological front, your kids will gain on the emotional front, too. These simple bending, stretching, and contracting exercises stimulate their focus and increase their attention span. Simple yoga poses like Tadasana and Vrikshasana for kids help them balance their body weight. Over the period, children gradually learn to explore the benefits of various poses at their own pace. Daily yoga is more like a journey that your kids would love to be a part of. The goal is to attain the overall calm and fitness many strive for.

Yoga for Children

Combining yoga with simple indoor games will help stimulate your kids’ minds. While you teach them how to include games as a natural part of their daily well-being, you can invoke in them the importance of including these as an essential element of healthy family activity. After all, a family that plays together stays together.

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The views expressed are that of the expert alone.

The information provided in this content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routines.


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