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How to Encourage Open Communication About Exam Stress with Your Child

Written by Smriti Dey | Nov 3, 2024 9:30:00 AM

Exam seasons are known to be among one of the most stressful times of a child's life. Children are very fearful of the examination and their performance, which adds to their stress. Children need to stay in a calm and composed environment where children are supported to strive for their best level instead of nervousness and panic.

It is common for children to face different expectations and responsibilities during examinations to achieve the best results. Sometimes, these pressures become too much for a child to carry over, outshining themselves. Most of the students become timid and depressed about their exam routines. They close themselves out instead of discussing things openly for guidance.

Parents and family members should ensure that the children receive a proper environment to study for the examination while encouraging open conversation to help them open up about their problems and stress.

What Is Open Communication?

Open communication is the art of talking freely without any fear or doubt in mind. Open conversation helps children and parents to understand each other's perspectives more clearly about exams and conquering exam stress.

An open conversation will help children understand the exact expectations of parents while working on it. On the other hand, by conversing freely, parents will get to know the difficulty the child is facing more appropriately before suggesting any solution.

It is essential to know that open conversation works both ways. Parents should always listen to the children first, giving them confidence and guidance. At the same time, children should carefully listen and talk about problems that require guidance and support from parents.

How Exam Stress Affects Children Without Open Conversation?

Here are certain ways exam stress hampers the children and their exam preparation without open conversation.

  1. Without open communication, children are closed and more nervous about the exams, creating a much stressed and tense environment.
  2. Without open communication, children are lost in preparation without expert guidance or parental support.
  3. Children who are not open to communication might face various difficulties while studying without any tips or tricks to follow, which can make their study session harder.
  4. Children will not feel confident but doubtful in their experience when following their lead or guide without communicating for assurance and guidance.
  5. Without open communication, there will be a lot of confusion or panic in children's minds when attempting final or board examinations.
How to Encourage Open Communication About Exam Stress with Your Child

Here are different ways to encourage the children about open communication and exam stress to look out for.

Talk Over Tea

It is essential for children to open up first in front of their parents to recognize the main problem of stress and solve it for better performance and study sessions. Talking over a good teatime with lovely snacks can help parents warm up to the kids while holding an open conversation regarding their problems.

Be A Good Listener And Create A Safe Space

It is essential for parents that once their children open up to them, they listen well. Never dismiss a child just because they are in doubt or saying something completely unrelatable. Parents can also benefit from listening first, as it will give them a clear picture of their child's thinking. It will also help start open communication with proper trust and assurance of a nonjudgmental, safe space.

Assure Your Child

Assure your child after the conversation that nothing they say is irrelevant or foolish. If a child is coming to the parents for the smallest of corrections, it is because they trust them over small decisions. Open conversation helps children open about their problems, no matter how small.

Bedtime Conversations

Like teatime activities, bedtime conversations are also a time when children are more talkative and lose their temper. Bedtime conversations are more honest and profound, and parents can understand clearly what is inside their minds to solve the exam stress without any problem.

Healthy Discussion

Initiating and closing a conversation by creating a safe space, listening, and assuring the child also includes a healthy discussion of various topics that are sensitive to the child. Stress is not something specific, but it is connected to various events and activities that make the child nervous during the exam. A healthy discussion can help a parent understand this situation better.

Know Why Open Communication About Exam Stress with Your Child Helps Them

Open communication helps the children in the following ways during exam stress.

  1. Proper guidance and support throughout the exam journey.
  2. Children are not afraid to make mistakes as they know they will be provided with enough guidance.
  3. Parents are confident in their children for better results; children are confident in parents for support.
  4. The essence of comfort is built rather than the environment of fear, which is bad for exam season.
  5. A healthy house environment is made through open conversation in which constant support and guidance helps the child aim for greater limits.
  6. Open conversation also helps children to freely open up to their parents without overthinking or fearing judgment.

Now that you have known the importance of open communication and how it can help with the exam stress your child is facing. Make sure your child is conversing with you regularly while updating progress. Open conversation is not a one-time discussion but a series of conversations that helps children find their way to confidence and self-esteem rather than fear of exams and nervousness.