Mindful Breathing Exercises for Kids: Techniques and Benefits

Mindful Breathing Exercises for Kids: Techniques and Benefits

Written by Smriti Dey
Published: November 24, 2024

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Table of Contents
Get To Know About Mindfulness Better
Why Breathing Exercises?
Mindful Breathing Exercises for Kids: Benefits
Mindful Breathing Exercises for Kids: Techniques
  • Pranayama
  • Meditation
  • Diaphragmatic Breathing

Staying present in the moment is very important for kids to grow up mindfully. Mindfulness is not an option but a necessity for children to make their personality more confident and empathetic. There are different types of mindful exercises students and younger children can practice, from writing to breathing; getting hold of calmness.

Parents should always remember that pushing a child towards mindfulness will not work; it should be inculcated with daily habits and environment. Here are a few fun mindful breathing exercises that can help kids with various benefits in future. Keep on reading to learn more about it.

Get To Know About Mindfulness Better
Get To Know About Mindfulness Better

Mindfulness is a big umbrella covering many soft skills and behavioral patterns. Mindfulness is one of the basic cognitive skills that different types of soft skills, such as empathy, kindness, and other etiquette, are made up of. The most basic concept of mindfulness is that children are self-aware and are present in the moment. Being mindful also means that the children have confident personalities, are more down-to-earth, and are humble with their behavior. All these elements branch out because of mindfulness, as the child can recognize the emotions of others due to being mindful while reacting in a correct manner.

Why Breathing Exercises?
Why Breathing Exercises?

Mindful breathing exercises are a very good solution for easily agitated, anxious, or nervous children. Mindful breathing exercises can help children stay calmer and more stable, helping them understand and recognize the situation better without thinking about the future or past. If you are having a hard time teaching your kids to stay mindful, a good mindful breathing exercise can help your children's day to be calm and concentrate.

Mindful breathing exercises can also be counted as meditation, increasing children's attention span, and making them most self-aware. Different breathing exercises help the physical body connect with the internal mind and soul, making children more confident in their skin and personality.

There are many benefits of mindful breathing exercises that parents should learn about while teaching their children about them. Read below.

Mindful Breathing Exercises for Kids: Benefits
Mindful Breathing Exercises for Kids: Benefits

Here are a few benefits of mindful breathing exercises that parents should know about:

● It helps with a calm and stable personality to handle any kind of tough or triggering situation without getting nervous or anxious.

● It helps children with their observation skills as the mind is completely settled down and calm, making it more attentive.

● The attention span and focus quality are also increased with the help of mindful breathing exercises.

● A good breathing session can make children feel light and expressive of their thoughts, making them come out of their shells.

● Mindful breathing also helps with better physical abilities, such as good body posture and a physically active body.

● Mental resilience is also boosted through mindful breathing.

Mindful Breathing Exercises for Kids: Techniques

Here are a few mindful breathing techniques for kids to help them better:


Parents can choose from different types of Pranayama, consisting of various breathing exercises suitable for kids with different requirements and levels of attention span. With the help of Pranayama, children can not only concentrate on their studies better, but it will help them be mindful and more empathetic towards situations, thinking in mind first. Pranayama is an easy and fun way to try out various breathing exercises which help the kid with mindfulness.


Doing meditation also requires the proper focus of children on how they are breathing. That can also be considered a breathing technique for better mindful breathing exercises. On the other hand, breathing also boosts meditation towards more concentration and focus, calming the mind down. Proper meditation requires specific instruction on proper breathing while the kid is exhaling, releasing all the tension, and inhaling fresh and positive thoughts manifesting their goals.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing is also a great mindful breathing technique which requires children to breathe from their stomach. Children must ensure that when they inhale, they must tuck their tummy in, while when they exhale, it must be released. The breathing must be felt in the stomach and chest instead of the nose. It requires some practice, but it can be a great mindful breathing technique once it is mastered. The child should feel their lungs inflated as they breathe in, while the lungs should shrink as they breathe out.


Now that parents know about different techniques and benefits of mindful breathing, they can help their kids inculcate the habit of regular mindful breathing and meditation to teach greater values and good quality of life. Mindful breathing is not just an exercise but a great tool to inculcate morality and a good personality in children, which can help them in the future.

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The information provided in this content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routines.


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