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Mindful Eating: How to Enjoy Healthy Diet Foods Without Feeling Deprived

Written by Kaushiki Gangully | Sep 25, 2024 3:30:00 AM

Humans need energy for survival and thus rely on the foods they eat. This has been the practice for thousands of years. But they did not just randomly gobble any food. Since civilization and culture has crept into humans, they have begun practising the philosophy of mindfulness when it comes to eating as well, to gain maximum nourishment and benefit. Mindfulness refers to the intentional focus on one’s thoughts, physical sensations, and emotions, and becoming more aware of one’s existence than simply reacting to it. When you eat mindfully, you employ all your physical and emotional senses to experience and enjoy the food you consume. This increased your gratitude for food and satisfaction after consumption. In the hectic lifestyle of 21st century, mindful eating is an important practice for staying healthy. Here are some useful guidelines on practicing mindful eating and enjoying healthy diet foods without feeling deprived.

Tips To Eat Mindfully And Enjoy Healthy Diet Foods
1. Pay Attention To What You Eat

Pay careful attention and respect to what you eat. Acknowledge where the food was grown, the way it was prepared and by whom, too. Keep your devices away while eating. If an urgent call or mail arrives, stop eating and sort it out before resuming the meal, or reheat it. But do not let anything distract you while eating as that creates an important relationship between your brain, food, and your digestive system. This will help you feel fuller by the time the meal ends, because you have been paying attention to what and how much you ate. 

2. Eat Slowly

You should always eat your meal slowly and savor every moment. Of course, that does not mean taking three hours to eat a dish. But eating slowly helps you recognize the fact that you are full, faster, as it gives your brain the time to send the signal of satiety. Also, since it is always recommended to stop eating when you are about 75 to 80% full, at every meal, eating them slowly helps you keep track of your portions and maintain them better.

3. Savor Every Bite And Chew Well

It is important to savor every bite and chew well. Not only does this help you identify flavors and taste better, but also masticates the food well and improves production of digestive juices in the body for smooth digestion. Also, chewing well gives a sensation of satiety early, while cherishing every bite makes you more grateful for the food and less likely to fall off the wagon and give in to cravings. 

4. Employ All Your Senses

You should employ all your senses while eating a meal. Ancient Indian traditions dictate sitting cross-legged on the floor and eating with one’s fingers for improved digestion, appetite, and satisfaction. Whilst savoring every bite, one should employ all their sensory organs to experience the food and the act of consumption. The memory of mindful eating is branded on our brains for long and help remain full longer. 

5. Do Not Skip Meals

Do not skip meals unnecessarily. Even intermittent fasting diets have strict rules on eating properly timed meals. Starving for too long can lead to hunger pangs that compel you to make the quickest available food choice, which is usually the unhealthiest. Try to plan and set meals around the same time every day and plan your daily schedule around it to avoid such instances. Plan a healthy diet snack or two in your diet, according to your caloric and nutritional requirements, to avoid such conflicting situations.

6. Serve Modest Portions

It is important to serve modest portions of food, according to your energy and dietary requirements. Serve a modest one cup of vegetables, half cup of fruits, one small cup of grains, and one small cup of proteins as a basic daily meal for portion control. If you eat slowly, savor every bite, employ all your senses while eating, and do not skip meals, there is little chance of reaching out for too many extra helpings of food. 

7. Serve Creatively, Even Your Own Self

People remember to garnish and serve their family members and guests well, but often forget to beautify their own plate, simply because they do not need to create a fuss. But that is an unhealthy habit and should be avoided by all, especially shy, sweet mothers. The simplest of foods can be served ordinarily, but in a neat manner, with a touch of aesthetic creativity. After all, food should appeal to our eyes and awaken our hunger first, before satiating it. 


Mindful eating is not a difficult practice. All it requires is a digital detox and complete mental and physical attention during mealtimes. Of course, you can talk and chat while eating, but face to face. Anything, be it a film or a book, that takes you away from the present act of eating, is a distraction and must be avoided to eat and enjoy healthy diet foods mindfully without feeling deprived.