Parenting Tips For People With Preschool Age Kids

Parenting Tips For People With Preschool Age Kids

Written by Kaushiki Gangully
Published: May 24, 2024

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Top 10 Parenting Tips To Raise Smart Preschoolers
  • Work on their communication skills
  • Teach them the importance of paying attention and following instructions.
  • Encourage teamwork
  • Be helpful, but not over the top
  • Set a daily routine
  • Encourage independence
  • Set boundaries, but do not be a dictator
  • Do not give in to tantrums
  • Form a good bond with food
  • Be kind

Rearing children is a tough job, both for new and experienced parents, especially when they also must work and have a personal life. As infants grow, they overcome different developmental phases transitioning from toddlers to preschoolers to kindergarteners, and more. Children between the of 3 to 5 are known as preschoolers. Just past the age of toddlers, preschoolers develop a lot of personality and tricks up their sleeves overnight. You never know when your kid is ready to walk down the stairs alone or eat well independently till you let them do it. So, parents must be watchful and mindful of how they behave with their kids as they are highly impressionable at this age and pick up words, phrases, habits, and quirks from anyone they admire or respect. To do that, here are some parenting tips for preschoolers.

Top 10 Parenting Tips To Raise Smart Preschoolers
1. Work on their communication skills

Preschoolers usually can string sentences together as their vocabulary lies somewhere between 1,000 and 2,500 words but might make structural or grammatical errors. Therefore, parents should practice conversing with their kids daily in the language they wish to communicate to develop proper communication skills.

2. Teach them the importance of paying attention and following instructions.

Since children naturally have wandering minds, it is better to get them used to following instructions. After all, they will have to follow their teacher’s instructions without your help in school. Also, paying attention makes kids more aware and observant of their surroundings. Try to make it fun for them through memory games, charades, puzzles, or dictation.

3. Encourage teamwork
Parenting Tips For People With Preschool Age Kids - Encourage Teamwork

A child of preschool age needs to develop social skills and team spirit to adjust well in school. Education is not a solo performance but acquired by team effort. Therefore, do arts and crafts together with your kids, encourage play dates with other children, and highlight the merits of teamwork to them via action, not just words.

4. Be helpful, but not over the top

It is important for children to be helpful and kind to others, especially their peers. Teach your preschoolers the merits of being of help but also make them understand that it should not be at self-expense. Of course, it is too early to teach them the difference between self-preservation and helping others, but at least they should not break an arm trying to pluck a fruit for every crying friend.

5. Set a daily routine

It is important to establish a daily routine for your preschooler. Time should be allotted for physical activity, snacks, screen time, TV, and studying, with adequate periods of rest. This routine should not be altered unless very special circumstances require it. Having a set routine helps toddlers adjust to school timings and schedules much better.

6. Encourage independence

Encourage your children to be independent. Be it going to the toilet, washing hands before meals, or eating solo, your children need to stop depending on you for their every little need. Let them tie their own shoelaces or pour their drink. They will make mistakes but learn from them as well. This will make your job easier while keeping an eye.

7. Set boundaries, but do not be a dictator

Setting boundaries is important, your child should be aware of your leniency and temper and should respect them both. But preschoolers need to be a little more advanced than that. They should also be aware of personal boundaries, consent, and mind their own classwork unless asked for help. This will make them ideal students and make life easier for other kids and teachers. But while establishing boundaries, do not become a ‘no’ person for everything. Children fear dictators but do not love them.

8. Do not give in to tantrums
Parenting Tips For People With Preschool Age Kids - Do Not Give In To Tantrums

While being understanding and accepting is crucial for preschoolers and young children, it is important not to give in to their tantrums. Children may not be mature, but they are sharp and intuitive. If they realize that you will give in at the first sign of conflict or distress, they will be using it against you. Be firm and calm while handling a tantrum, no matter the intensity.

9. Form a good bond with food

Preschoolers should develop a good relationship with food. Now is the time if not been introduced to foods like fish, peanuts, cottage cheese, and broccoli already. Children who do not form healthy eating habits have a higher risk of forming food intolerances or allergies. Include them in the cooking process and make your favorite dishes together at home, while also preparing some nutritious dishes to go with it. Make sure their food portions and serving are age appropriate.

10. Be kind

Kindness is sparse nowadays. To rear a generation with kindness and empathy, now is the time. Emulate kindness in your daily life and teach your child to practice it in difficult situations as well. Kindness is not just sharing toys with friends but also forgoing a bar of chocolate so that the class loner does not miss their share and feel bad. These may be small instances of kindness, but they have a bigger impact in life, for both preschoolers and adults.

Parenting takes time to get used to, especially the first time around with preschoolers. Though their constant developments and questions may faze you, do not worry. Follow these top 10 preschool parenting tips, and you will do just fine. Keeping a calm head will help your child grow better and having a phone nearby is a bigger advantage than many parents back in the day, so use your search engine and wits wisely.

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