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Teaching kids about road safety is one of the most important things you can do as a parent. Whether they walk, cycle or take the bus to school, knowing the basics helps them stay safe and confident on the road. Kids are curious and impulsive, so you need to guide them on how to navigate the roads responsibly.
By teaching simple safety habits – like using pedestrian crossings, looking both ways before crossing and following traffic signals – you prepare your child for real life situations. Road safety isn’t just about rules, it’s about awareness, responsibility and good decision making. When kids learn these habits early, they carry them into adulthood and have safer journeys for life.
By setting an example by following the traffic rules yourself, discussing safety tips regularly and making learning interactive you can make a big impact. This article covers 10 essential road safety rules that will help your child understand and practice safe travel habits every day. Whether they walk alone, ride a bike or wait for a bus, these will keep them alert and safe.
Reasons Why Teach Road Safety to Students Is Essential

Accidents Prevention
Teaching road safety helps children learn how to crossroads, use footpaths and follow traffic signals, reducing the risk of accidents. Early awareness makes them more cautious and attentive in all traffic situations.
Lifelong Safe Habits
When kids learn road safety early, habits stay with them for life. Pedestrian rules, crosswalks and seatbelts become second nature, safer travel for life.
Awareness of Surroundings
Children are curious but can get distracted easily. Road safety education makes them aware of their surroundings, look out for vehicles and recognize potential dangers before stepping onto the road.
Responsible Behaviour
Following traffic rules teaches discipline and responsibility. Kids learn to respect traffic signals, wait for their turn and not rush across roads, which helps them develop patience and decision making.
Fear and Anxiety Reduction
Knowing how to crossroads, board buses or ride bicycles makes children feel more confident and less anxious about the traffic. They know what to do in different situations, making their daily commute stress free.
10 Road Safety Rules for Students: A Parent’s Guide to Instill Safe Travel Habits

Always Use Sidewalks and Footpaths
Make your child walk on sidewalks or footpaths when available. If there’s no sidewalk, they should walk on the edge of the road, facing the traffic. This way they can see the vehicles coming and react if needed.
Look Left, Right, and Left Again Before Crossing
Before stepping onto the road, children should stop, look left, right and then left again to check for vehicles. Even at pedestrian crossings, never assume drivers will stop for you.
Cross at Designated Crosswalks and Traffic Signals
Make your child crossroads only at designated pedestrian crossings, zebra crossings or traffic signals. These areas are designed for safe crossing and drivers will slow down or stop pedestrians.
Don’t Run Across Roads
Running while crossing the road increases the risk of accidents. Teach your child to walk calmly and attentively so they are visible to drivers and in control of their movements.
Follow Traffic Signs
Explain what traffic lights, stop signs and pedestrian signals mean. Red means stop, green means go, and yellow means slow down and prepare to stop. Following signs helps prevent confusion and accidents.
Stay Focused and Avoid Distractions
Using mobiles, listening to loud music or playing while walking near roads can be dangerous. Teach your child to stay aware of their surroundings and avoid distractions while walking or crossing the road.
Be Careful Around Parked Vehicles
Parked cars can block the view of oncoming traffic. Tell your child to move slowly around parked vehicles and look both ways before stepping out onto the road. Drivers may not always see small children emerging from behind a car.
Wear Bright or Reflective Gear at Night
If your child is walking or cycling in low light, make sure they wear bright or reflective gear. This makes them more visible to drivers and reduces the chance of accidents.
Be Safe on School Buses and Public Transport
Teach your child to wait for the bus in a safe spot, stand back from the road and never run towards a moving bus. When getting off, they should always check for traffic before stepping onto the road.
Follow Road Rules as a Passenger
If your child travels by car, make sure they always wear a seatbelt and sit properly. If cycling, they should wear a helmet and follow road rules. Being a responsible passenger is just as important as being a careful pedestrian.
The views expressed are that of the expert alone.
The information provided in this content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routines.