TJK Articles

Sunshine Vitamin: The Key to Strong Bones and Muscles in Children

Written by Kaushiki Gangully | Oct 15, 2024 7:30:00 AM

Vitamin D, or the sunshine vitamin is an essential lipid-soluble vitamin for humans. It cannot be produced by the human body, only stored in it for short periods. However, the nutrient has multiple nicknames for a reason. It is only in the presence of sunlight that the human body can produce vitamin D, thus the stage name stands. Another fun fact about vitamin D is that it is not really a vitamin. Vitamins are special nutrients that the human body requires but cannot make. Vitamin D is produced by the human body when exposed to proper sunlight, therefore it is considered a hormone. However, thanks to its multiple health benefits and important role in bodily functions, the name vitamin D flourishes in nutrition, for the right reasons.

But such an important nutrient is dearly lacking in many kids nowadays. In modern times with the advent of smartphones and social media, kids have little desire to spend their leisure anywhere far from a ‘screen’. Gone are the days of spending all summer loafing in the sun and playing gulley cricket, kids are as busy as their parents all day with school, tuition, and extra-curriculars. As a result, they spend their days cooped up indoors, while their bodies are desperately seeking vitamin D. Here is a comprehensive guide on the benefits of including the sunshine vitamin in your kid’s diet to ensure strong bones and muscles.

Sunshine Vitamin And Bone Health

Vitamin D is a secosteroid hormone that is essential for the absorption of calcium and phosphates while increasing bone mineralization. Proper absorption of these minerals is key to increasing bone density and lessening the risk of fractures, osteoporosis, and rickets. Without sufficient vitamin D, bones can become thin, disfigured, and brittle, a clear sign of osteoporosis. As for rickets, it causes weak and soft bones that often bend, warp, and break. Therefore, it is ideal to ensure an adequate amount of vitamin D is consumed daily by your kid to keep such chronic diseases at bay. Since the hormone is necessary for proper bone growth as well, foods rich in it should be an important part of your kid’s diet.

Vitamin D And Healthy Muscles

Vitamin D is linked with improved muscle size and function. It also plays a structural role in muscle strength and postural stability. Vitamin D also reduces inflammation and soreness of muscles, making foods rich in them ideal for a post work out meal or snack. Since the hormone is key to muscles at a cellular level, from cell formation, and differentiation, to expected death, it also helps your kids build their strength. But that is only possible if they engage in outdoor play or exercise daily and eat a diet rich in vitamin D. If your kid’s bones and muscles are healthy, they eat a healthy diet and engage in active sports daily, then their stamina and resilience are bound to increase while remaining at a lower risk of fractures, falls, and fatigue.

Other Health Benefits Of Vitamin D For Your Kids
Improves Nerve Health

Vitamin D is essential for maintaining a healthy nervous system as it helps regulate the synthesis of nerve growth factor (NGF). Poor vitamin D levels can incur an increased risk of several neuropsychiatric disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, autism, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis.

Enhances Mental Health And Sleep

Vitamin D plays an important part in mood regulation and improved cognition. Low levels of vitamin D are often associated with depression, seasonal depression, and anxiety disorders. Another intriguing fact about vitamin D is the role it plays in enhancing sleep. As vitamin D is a key factor in the production of melatonin, adequate levels of sunshine improve sleep quality.

Boosts Immunity And Prevents Diseases

Vitamin D and your child’s immunity go hand in hand as the former helps the latter fortify their natural barriers and prepare their antibodies to fight against foreign infections and diseases. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to many physiological and psychological diseases and some extra health issues.


Since vitamin D is such a powerhouse of health benefits, it should be an inimitable and irreplaceable addition to your kid’s diet. As sunshine exposure varies for individuals depending on their skin tone, melanin levels, age, and distance from the equator, it is not always the most reliable source. Therefore, it is ideal to include more fatty fish like rohu, salmon, and hilsa, milk and cheese, mushrooms, and fortified green vegetables and cereals into your kid’s diet. Now that you know the key to ensuring strong muscles and bones in your children lies in your grasp, it is up to you to utilize it wisely. Always remember, sunscreen prevents the body’s ability to produce vitamins. Therefore, since those outdoor ventures add little value to your kid’s daily vitamin D requirement, plan their diets accordingly.