The Importance Of Balance And Coordination In Strength Development

The Importance Of Balance And Coordination In Strength Development

Written by Kaushiki Gangully
Published: October 18, 2024

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Balancing Academics and Fitness: Tips for Busy Teens

Table of Contents
Significance Of Balance And Coordination In Strength Development
Important Components To Develop Balance And Coordination In Kids
  • 1. Attention And Awareness
  • 2. Hand Dominance And Bilateral Integration
  • 3. Hand-Eye Coordination And Quick Sensory Processing
  • 4. Muscle Endurance And Strength
  • 5. Self Regulation And Postural Control

Balance and coordination are developed in children when they play, jump, climb, run, or engage in outdoor activities. Braving uneven landscapes and playing catch with the ball also improves them and parents never had to worry much about these things, as they were naturally imbibed. But that is no longer the case in the 21st century. Due to a severe lack of outdoor life, children nowadays often trip and fall, need to sit down to wear pants, or get scared to hop multiple stairs at home. Instead, they possess a different, virtual sense of balance and coordination in the video games they play at leisure. As a result, both those traits along with your kid’s physical fitness suffer. To avoid such instances, elucidate the importance and benefits of balance and coordination in strength development to your older kids while making fitness fun for your younger ones.

Significance Of Balance And Coordination In Strength Development


  • Balance is the ability of your body to maintain a controlled position during any task or performance. It is useful in both static and dynamic activities.
  • As for coordination, it is the capacity of the body to balance multiple moving limbs or actions without a pause.
  • Kids naturally develop balance and coordination from an early age, by lifting their heads, crawling, and using their dominant hand to pick something up.
  • But, to attain good balance and coordination for life, practice and consistency are key.
  • If your child has a good balance and coordination, they will attain a reasonable degree of success in sports even without proper training, as those qualities will aid in swift body movement and coordinated physical performance.
  • The symmetry between balance and coordination also lessen the risk of injuries and falls in your kids, along with an improved sense of appropriate postural responses to stressful situations (like protecting their vital organs while falling or putting their hands out to break the fall from their bicycle)
  • When balance is in harmony with coordination it also aids in fine motor tasks and office work, as the risk of inflammation of muscles is reduced when proper posture is maintained.
  • A healthy equilibrium between coordination and balance is necessary for development of strength with fewer injuries, proper posture, and healthy muscles. Since coordination can be a bit wonky in most people, it is an added strength for your kids to imbibe and maintain. 

Important Components To Develop Balance And Coordination In Kids


1. Attention And Awareness

Your kids must develop proper attention skills and be able to focus on it for an extended period of time, despite being under physical or mental stress. This will improve their concentration and resilience. Also, make them aware of their body parts, their respective movement, and function. They must understand the movement of different body parts in space in relation to other limbs and objects to develop good awareness and coordination skills.

2. Hand Dominance And Bilateral Integration

In sports and strength training, bilateral integration and hand dominance matter a lot. The former refers to using both hands for a single function, while the dominant hand leads the process and the other assists. For example, a tennis player uses his dominant hand to hold the tennis racquet while the ‘helping hand’ adds stability and balance to the player, while ramming back shots.

3. Hand-Eye Coordination And Quick Sensory Processing

Quick sensory processing is crucial for accurate hand-eye coordination. You must help your kid develop the ability to process any environmental sensory stimulation quickly for appropriate physical and mental responses to the action or movement. And as your child develops quick sensory processing, their hand-eye coordination improves, be it in writing or catching a ball.

4. Muscle Endurance And Strength

Consistent practice and development of muscle strength eventually lead to muscle endurance. The ability of a group of muscles to exert force against resistance is its strength. And the prolonged ability of those muscles to withstand stress without giving up is their endurance. Daily fitness practice and consistency are enough to develop proper muscle strength and endurance to improve coordination and balance in kids.

5. Self Regulation And Postural Control

Self-regulation is an important trait for your child to inculcate. It is the ability to maintain or change alertness levels based on the task at hand. Learning the delicate art of balance and coordination is necessary as it aids in life-long ventures, be it at the workplace or home. Self-regulation is also key to proper postural control as it is the capacity to stabilize one’s neck and spine of free will to ensure proper coordination of the mind and limbs during work and daily life.



Balance and coordination play multiple important roles in developing muscle strength, endurance, posture maintenance, hand-eye coordination, and concentration. But it is your role to make your kids understand their health benefits and get ready to develop these various important traits in them.

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The views expressed are that of the expert alone.

The information provided in this content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routines.

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