The Role of Traditional Indian Games in Children's Physical Activity

The Role of Traditional Indian Games in Children's Physical Activity

Written by Kaushiki Gangully
Published: January 6, 2025

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Table of Contents
Traditional Indian Games And The Role They Play In Children’s Physical Activity
  • Kabaddi
  • Kho-kho
  • Pitthu
  • Gilli Danda
  • Hopscotch
  • Kancha

Technology and digitalization have taken the world by storm. Every industry and department make use of them for progress and maintenance. But their percolation and reception among kids have caused a desertion of the playground.

No longer do the green fields and open spaces echo with the delighted shouts of playing kids. And more importantly, most kids of the current generation are completely unaware of traditional Indian games. Games that did the role of workouts and exercises by keeping kids physically active and mentally engaged.

The delicate scent of nostalgia is bound to tickle the tired nostrils of parents when they recall their days spent playing gilli danda, pitthu, and kabaddi. Those carefree days full of energy, life, and hope, with no worries or diseases plaguing them. And that is the childhood parents wish to give their kids in the busy modern world again. To do so, they need to understand and teach their kids the role of these traditional Indian games in children’s physical activity.

Traditional Indian Games And The Role They Play In Children’s Physical Activity

Kabaddi is a sport that traces its origin back over 4000 years to the game of Jallikattu, a prestigious game among the Ayar tribal people of ancient Tamil Nadu. In this game, when a player enters the enemy territory, they are treated like a bull and dealt with accordingly to ‘tame’ it. It has been a part of the Olympics since the early 20th century and is a wonderful game to engage in to promote endurance, muscle strength, and quick thinking in kids.


Kho-Kho’s origin is believed to have been inspired by the Mahabharata. Specifically, the tactic used by Arjuna’s son Abhimanyu to infiltrate the Kaurava’s infamous Chakravyuh. The modern form of kho-kho was formed in 1914 in Pune. Now, it is a medal sport in the South Asian Games and requires agility of body and mind to succeed. This game makes your kids think fast on their feet and become very fit.


Pitthu is a fun game with mythological origins similar to kho-kho. In this case, the game is mentioned in the Bhagavata Purana as the game lord Krishna indulged in with his friends. One of the most ancient traditional Indian games, pitthu is now an official category in the National Games Of India since its 2023 edition. The game is simple but requires a good presence of mind and swiftness of feet. Two teams are divided, with one team responsible for knocking over the 7-stone pile and striking the players with balls. The other team is responsible for building the pile back up in 3 tries before everybody is eliminated. Once the stones are all arranged, the player has to announce the game’s name to signify its completion and victory.

Gilli Danda

Gilli danda is easily explained in two words - Indian cricket. It is an amateur, primitive version of the international sport but has been a leisure staple of rural kids for decades, even today. All this game requires is two sticks, one small and one thick and moderately large. The bigger, thicker stick is used to hit the small one away. The points of the scorer are determined by how far the gilli or the small stick falls in terms of danda length and so on. Several other common cricketing rules, like catching the gilli and being caught out, apply here. An ingenious way of enjoying physical activity and leisure with nothing but two sticks, this game improves imagination and stamina in kids while providing a full-body workout.


This centuries-old game originated in Ancient Rome to train their foot soldiers and improve their footwork. However, it found more admirers, much later among Indian kids who adore the system of hopping, skipping, and keeping track of points to find out who won. There are multiple variations and names to the game based on the differing cultural and geographical zones of India. This game is ideal for kids in their leisure time as it improves their balance and coordination skills, while improving leg muscles.


Kancha is a thrilling Indian traditional game that improves focus and enhances problem-solving and math skills in kids. All your kid needs to win at this game is a good eye and proper motor skills. Playing in the soil with dark green marbles, kids had to strike the designated target marble with their own projectile marble. If they are successful, they win their friend's promised number of marbles or else part with their own.


Indian traditional games like kabaddi, gilli danda, and kho-kho have transcended time and remained relevant for a reason. Even in their innocent joy and thrills, they provide children with sufficient physical activity and exercise to ensure they remain fit and healthy. So do not wait any longer and invite your kid to put their devices down and engage in the games listed in this guide to reap their benefit.

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The information provided in this content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routines.

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