- Be A Role Model
- Involve The Whole Family
- Focus On Fun
- Make Things Social
- Utilize Competitiveness Wisely
- Limit Tech Time
- Try Positive Reinforcements
- Start A Reward System For Chores
Children live a far more sedentary life than previous generations nowadays. Easily available internet and technological options ensure entertainment is endless. But it is often mindless and static, providing little physical activity and cognitive improvement in children. Physical activity, like sports, gardening, family games, and various other options, has always been the number one recreation option among kids. By encouraging kids to play outdoors or actively for an hour every day, parents run the chance of improving their heart health and strengthening bones and muscles.
If they are lucky, daily physical activity may also end up enhancing blood and oxygen supply, increasing resilience, and lowering the risk of lifestyle diseases. However, since kids can get bored or disenchanted by going to the park every day or playing in the backyard, it is ideal to engage them in different kinds of physical activities. This will benefit them in a manner similar to cross-training, improving their physique and overall fitness while lowering the risk of injuries or accidents. Here are some tips for encouraging your kids to try new physical activities.
Tips For Encouraging Kids To Try New Physical Activities

Be A Role Model
Children, especially young ones, are adept at mimicking and learning from their parents. Therefore, it is ideal to be an adventurous role model for your kids if you wish to make them try new physical activities. For example, if you want your kids to run marathons, go running every day and offer to take them with you. Never pressure. One day, they will accept and give it a try for your and curiosity’s sake.
Involve The Whole Family
Invite the entire family to try new activities together to make things seem less daunting to kids. For example, if you wish to engage your kids in football, involve all the family members to give some advice and playing tips in their own way. It can be advice from their sporty grandmother, tips from their overachiever elder sibling, or direct help from their coach cum parent. Always remember to make them feel equal while playing and learning, never inferior.
Focus On Fun
Kids love having fun, so if they enjoy trying a new physical activity, they are likely to keep doing it. Make weekly fun nights and try different activities together, making change traditions. Try playing family Twister one week, tag the next, or even paintballing in your backyard. This will make your kid fall in love with the outdoors and the spirit of adventure.
Make Things Social
Making fun physical activity sessions social is important to inspire your kids. Invite their friends or peers over for a fun day of games, obstacle races, and competitions. Healthy snacks and rewards are on you, while different physical activities take care of your kid’s well-being and health.
Utilize Competitiveness Wisely
Competition is healthy when done moderately. It is ideal to have family and friendly contests, perhaps to finish a garden obstacle race or complete 20 pull-ups first, but what matters is the incentive to win. The reward can be privileges, favorite meals, day outings, or active toys to promote further physical activity.
Limit Tech Time

Technology has its boons, but it has been mostly baneful for kid’s fitness and physical development. Children are far more likely to engage in fruitful leisure if screen time is limited and controlled by parents. Allot digital hours throughout the day in moderation, so that there is adequate leisure and play time in their day for trying various new physical activities and games.
Try Positive Reinforcements
Positive reinforcements work like magic for kids. But it is important to be consistent and moderate. Overindulging will make kids practice and train for gifts instead of the fun and spirit of playing. Set mini-physical goals or form a bucket list of physical activities for them to try. If they successfully complete one, reward them as promised and publicly appreciate them. It will inspire them to work much harder and make you proud.
Start A Reward System For Chores
Chores, while comprising low-intensity activities in general, can also be a good way for children to get those daily physical activity minutes. Start a pocket money, privilege, or reward system for the chores they do at home, like gardening, walking their pet, washing the car, and so on. This will also inculcate a sense of independence and responsibility in them while giving basic household physical activities a try.

While 60 minutes of daily physical activity is necessary for healthy growth and development in children, it may not be easy getting it done at a go daily due to scheduling conflicts. To avoid this, try breaking it throughout the day, perhaps getting 15 minutes done early in the morning, 30 minutes in the evening, and 15 minutes for miscellaneous chores. This will ensure your kids try various new physical activities without a fuss.
The views expressed are that of the expert alone.
The information provided in this content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routines.