The definition of education has evolved a lot in the previous years. With immersive activities and experimental aids used for teaching, children seem to perform better through the learning-by-doing approach.
This is the time of innovation and creativity, and as a parent, you have to constantly look for educational activities to involve in your child's regime for better learning. A creative educational activity can be an engaging process of teaching your child a study concept through the aid of an immersive activity. It could be through practical experiments, educational movies, art, and even music.
To save time and induce creativity in your child's learning journey, here are some top educational activities for your kid that will help you have their attention for longer times.
Since collages are made by accumulating pictures of a particular concept, it can be a great way of creating mental cues with images and a lot of colors. The child will also learn how to properly cut the images and paste them neatly on the top of a big sheet. Explain the importance and the concept behind every picture that they paste related to the topic that you want to teach your child. For example, if you want to teach photosynthesis, collect pictures of every step of the process and explain it to your child while making them paste it.
Kids generally enjoy being told different types of stories and anecdotes, especially before going to sleep. Being a parent, you must take this as an opportunity to make your child learn something new every day by selecting an engaging story beforehand. Teach your child something about history, science, literature, or anything that you want through the aid of an innovative story full of different characters. This will also help in building a penchant for reading and storytelling in your child.
Making children sit for long study sessions might be a challenge sometimes. Learning with the help of music and harmonies in this case may prove beneficial. Music is quite effective in instantly hitting the mind of a person and grabbing their attention. Children often enjoy music and it's easier for them to remember something when it's backed by a harmony or a jingle. Try to introduce new concepts to them in the form of a song or poem.
Giving some pre-context to your child about what you want to teach them is always helpful in creating a more fruitful study session. Avoid directly jumping into the concept as your child may not be able to wrap their head around so much information being thrown their way. Try to postulate the lesson with as many practical and already-known examples as possible. This will help the child build a relationship between what they already know and the new concept that they need to grasp.
Teaching your child different life skills, such as cooking, cleaning, and even gardening can be extremely beneficial. At the end of the day, all that a child needs to learn, especially in the early ages of education, is derived from their nearby environment. A child who is observant and conscious about their environment will always find it easier to learn new things. Hence, teaching your child different life skills at an early age not only improves confidence but will enhance their general knowledge.
Now that you know about some of the most important and engaging educational activities for children, the question is how to execute them in real life. Here are some tried and tested ways to make these activities a part of your everyday life.
The end goal of any educational activity is for your child to learn. Always pay attention to the response of your child towards the activity that you have selected. If you feel that they're not enjoying the activity or it's not able to engage them as much as you thought it would, try doing something else. Have open conversations with your kid to understand the roadblocks and confusions.
While it's always beneficial to complete a particular lesson within the set timeframe with your child, you must not be too harsh with timelines. Give your child the ability to learn and understand at their own pace. Sometimes, making them do too much in a single day overwhelms them and makes them forget everything they have learnt.
A great way to ensure consistency and engagement from your kid’s end is to make them do diverse activities every day. Each of these activities should cater to a different lesson. Doing the same thing every day might make your child feel bored. Hence, variety is a great way to grab their attention
An activity without progress for a long time is useless. Keep a watch on the progress of your kid every day with each activity that you make them do. While sometimes an activity may be engaging, it may not be able to teach the concept properly to the child. Hence, you need to revise the study method. Monitoring their progress is a great way of assessing whether the educational activity is fulfilling its purpose or not.
Parents must understand that learning is supposed to be fun and not feel like a punishment for children. To make learning an integrative experience, you don't have to arrange for multiple resources. Mostly your home and the kid’s school environment already have all the resources you need. Try to make the best out of what you already have.