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Top Parenting Tips If You Have A Toddler | Tayyari Jeet Ki by Bournvita

Written by Kaushiki Gangully | May 22, 2024 2:00:00 PM

When you first have kids, it is not all rainbows and unicorns. Often, it is diapers and applesauce. And things get interesting when they turn toddlers. Toddlers are children aged between 12 and 36 months. The age and phase are iconic for several reasons. Not only do these kids start developing an identity, identify themselves in the mirror, and sprout words on the go, but they also begin moving and playing around the house.Also, many kids begin sleeping better, so frazzled and sleep-deprived parents may be in for relief. Gone are the days of fruit purées and mashed vegetables. Now comes the age of developing good food habits.

Therefore, in the busy 21st century, new parents must detox from their digital devices and juice up on some close family time with their toddlers. And since this is the age when phone addiction and behavioral problems may develop in children, if left unchecked, parents must navigate these murky waters of parenthood carefully. It is advisable to follow these top 9 parenting tips if you have a toddler to help them bloom and thrive with your parenting.

9 Tips For Parenting Your Toddlers The Right Way
1. Laud your kids’ achievements

As mobiles have grown smarter, so have children. However, this has simply raised competition among peers to an insane level, often creating self-esteem issues in children. Acknowledge and appreciate your kids’ achievements, big and small. It does not have to be a party for every time they top a class test, but a special dessert can be made on those occasions. Children seek validation from their parents and frequent criticism can create a vacuum of it. Therefore, parents should show they care and try to let their toddlers develop confidence and come into their own being.

2. Set boundaries

It is important to set boundaries early in the relationship. Your kid should be aware of the extent of your liberal nature and the limits they must remain within out of love and respect for you. This makes it easier for parents to handle toddler tantrums, if any. Yes, you can make your kids fear you, but this will build resentment and end up harming their mental well-being in the long run. Therefore, it is ideal for parents to communicate their limits and listen to their toddlers regarding their personal boundaries as well. This creates a healthy zone of trust and communication between parents and toddlers, making discipline a less messy job for parents.

3. Be consistent with discipline

Discipline should not be turned on one day and turned off on another, like a switch. It should remain consistent. Of course, you can allow your kids to have ice cream for breakfast on a trip or on their birthday, but it cannot be allowed every time they have a tantrum. Discipline should be enforced by parents upon toddlers, not the other way around. Once your child develops good habits and virtues, you can then come to common ground on discipline via communication. Till then, remain understanding and loving but a disciplinarian when required.

4. Make food fun for them

Food should not be boring for children or repeated every day. Maybe repeat a dish every two days, that too if specifically requested. Also, try to involve them in the cooking or serving process. This will intrigue them and inculcate healthy food habits in them. Also, being introduced to different kinds of food early helps develop a healthy toddler with little risk of food intolerances, allergies, or fussiness.

5. Spend time with them

Parents need to spend time with their children. Despite having busy and tiring lives, parents must set aside time every day for their children. Be it thirty minutes or three hours, and the time should be solely theirs, uninterrupted by any calls or emails unless there is an absolute emergency. Your kids should not feel less valued than your work or stress. After all, you may be working hard for their future, but they need your company today.

6. Allow questions and be patient

Your child should feel free to ask you any question without hesitation. They should not feel scared or embarrassed to ask their parents, especially at such a tender age. Though the question may range from how many stars are in the galaxy to asking you to explain something for the tenth time, you must keep your cool. It is natural for their developing brains to ponder and ask deep questions, and getting the right response can make or break their character.

7. Be a good role model

If you want your kid to be a certain way, you must emulate those qualities to imbibe them. Kids do not learn from their parents, and they mimic them. Therefore, if you are a good role model for your kids, your kids will be inspired to learn and do the same. Remember, it is natural for toddlers to see strangers and try to mimic them. That does not mean their love and respect for you have lessened; it is simply a passing fancy.

8. Magic words are important

Magic words are important. ‘Please’, ‘thank you', ‘sorry', and ‘excuse me’ are some extremely common words and phrases that have grown scarce in children's vocabulary nowadays. Use them more with your toddlers in a polite, straightforward manner and encourage them to do the same. This will build a lifelong good habit.

9. Kindness is key

Kindness is the key to happiness. In a world where cruelty comes easier to some people than benevolence, parents need to teach their children empathy and kindness from a young age. Caring for animals, helping the elderly, and being polite to employees should be a common courtesy and not rare instances. If you want your toddlers to be kind, now is the time to start.

There is no shortcut or singular right way of parenting toddlers. Every kid is unique and has its own needs. Parents can simply follow these 9 tips to ensure their toddlers bloom in life without ending up frazzled or burned out.