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Top resilience-building tips for your young kids

Written by Kaushiki Gangully | Sep 28, 2024 3:30:00 AM

Every parent wants to keep their child safe and wrapped away from the hardships of life and reality. They would rather keep them gift-wrapped in packing foam than out in the open, shouldering burdens and facing conflicts. But you cannot. So, it is better to dress them in the solid armor of resilience to emerge victorious. But what is resilience in children and how can it be developed? Resilience is the capacity to accept and overcome any change life throws at them or adapt to stressful and difficult circumstances.

Children are considered resilient when brave enough to face social pressure, school stress, and adverse circumstances and engage in healthy ways of expressing those feelings. It is no magic or superpower but simply learned behavior that should be internalized and applied in stressful situations. Some are born ready, while others take their time, but it is no race. Developing resilience in children is like preparing them for the ultimate battle arena called life. To get your kids ready here are the top resilience-building tips for your young kids.

Top Tips To Build Resilience In Your Young Children
1. Encourage Kids To Try New Things

Children are neophobic by nature, so they are not usually open to trying new things. That is where you come into play. Encourage them to pursue things and activities out of their comfort zone. Often, children prefer sticking to their cup of tea, never knowing that aam panna was always available to them. Therefore, motivate your kids to try new hobbies and social circles under your watchful eye to evolve as people and develop resilience.

2. Maintain A Daily Schedule

Children develop a sense of inculcating good habits when they feel the serenity of living life according to a balanced daily routine. Be reasonable while setting their bedtimes and curfews without being overindulgent. Include times for naps and idle roaming, along with study hours and playtime to ensure balance and stability. Your kid should feel comfortable with their routine, not imprisoned by it. Resilience is formed in diligent and consistent children automatically. 

3. Set Realistic Goals And Expectations

It is important to set achievable expectations and goals for your children. It is fine if your kid has not topped a math test yet. They may be excellent in history or music, for all you know. Figure out their flaws and strengths. Then, work on the former and hone the latter without making them feel judged. Kind and open communication about realistic expectations is ideal, as it builds their resilience to take criticism and learn from it instead of being upset. 

4. Develop Problem-Solving Skills

Hone their problem-solving skills, be it for their logical reasoning worksheet or for handling a split glass of milk. Children should understand that panicking and creating chaos do little to solve major problems in life. Staying calm and solving problems with logic and creativity are essential. This will prepare them to tackle any situation as they grow up.

5. Build Their Confidence

Confidence is the key to success. Your child may be brilliant, but if they lack confidence, they will find success later in life. Do not flatter them but be to the point and considerate when listing their merits and demerits. Appreciate their efforts and skills and add a spark of bravery to their soul. Once their confidence is stable, few things will be able to shake their resoluteness. 

6. Improve Their Observational Skills

Observational skills are a broad term that requires a combination of observation, awareness, preparedness, and logical reasoning. These skills develop with age in individuals, but if you wish to build resilience in your kids, observational skills are the place to begin. Play ‘I Spy’ with your older kids and counting games or ‘Spot the differences’ with your younger ones to improve their observational skills.

7. Assign Responsibility

Responsibility is the founding stone of resilience. Children develop resilience when they understand their responsibility towards their family, their friends, and their own self. Start assigning them certain duties at home, with certain privileges and chore demands. If your child enjoys the position of power, they will happily do it. Soon, you will no longer have to reward them, as they will know why they help or remain careful. 


Resilience is not built in a day, much like Rome. Despite being a simple trait, it takes time, willpower, effort, and lots of patience. But these easy resilience-building tips may do the trick for your young kids. Since consistency and kindness are key to teaching good habits in kids, the same applies for resilience as well. Once they are developed, you will not have to worry as much about them anymore. Under your watchful eye and armed with their developed resilience, your children will be prepared to fulfill all their dreams.