Yoga For Kids: Building Strength And Flexibility From An Early Age

Yoga For Kids: Building Strength And Flexibility From An Early Age

Written by Tarishi Shrivastava
Published: October 20, 2024

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Table of Contents
Yoga For Kids
Benefits Of Yoga For Kids
7 Yoga Asanas For Kids To Practice
  • Bow Pose
  • Tree Pose
  • Cobra Pose
  • Cat Pose
  • Child's Pose
  • Camel Pose
  • Downward Dog Pose


Flexibility, Strength and Movement!


These are the three main ways to improve mobility in your body, whether it is young or old. Yoga is one of the best practices to make the body stronger and more flexible. Adding yoga to a kid’s daily routine at a young age can increase focus and body movement. It brings a sense of balance to a child’s life. So, while parents should also follow yoga for their own health, introducing it to kids at an early age will encourage them to be keener towards it for their entire life. But yoga is about more than just physical movements – it is also about being mindful and focusing on mental well-being. Yoga for kids is more about creating calm and stability in them, to focus and strength physical and mental health at once. This can help kids feel less stressed and anxious and improve their ability to concentrate. Yoga can also help to develop better coordination and balance and encourage to adopt healthier habits like getting enough sleep and eating well. Yoga is said to be a comprehensive approach to the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of an individual. self-awareness, boost self-confidence, and strengthen the body's flexibility and resilience. These benefits are not limited to adults, as children can also experience significant physical and psychological advantages from engaging in yoga.

Yoga For Kids

Yoga is not only for adults, but also incredibly beneficial for children as well. On a physical level, the stretching and postures of yoga help to improve kids' flexibility, balance, and overall coordination. The controlled breathing exercises also work to strengthen their respiratory system and cardiovascular health. Mentally, yoga teaches children valuable techniques for focusing their attention, managing stress, and regulating their emotions. The combination of physical, mental, and social benefits makes yoga an ideal activity for kids of all ages, helping them to develop the mind-body connection that supports their healthy growth and development. With its fun, accessible approach, yoga can be a wonderful addition to a child’s lifestyle.

Benefits Of Yoga For Kids

Practicing yoga offers numerous benefits for children. It increases muscular strength and flexibility, strengthens the lungs and cardiovascular system, and enhances sensory-motor performance and nervous system function. Yoga also improves memory, attention, concentration, and planning and execution skills. Additionally, it can have a positive impact on mood, alleviating stress and anxiety. It also helps in increasing emotional stability and reducing fear, feelings of helplessness, and aggression. Staying active is essential for the overall well-being of children. One of the best ways for kids to meet this activity requirement is through the practice of yoga.

7 Yoga Asanas For Kids To Practice
1. Bow Pose

The bow pose helps kids improve their posture and strengthen their back muscles. Kids start by lying on their stomachs with their arms at their sides, then bend their knees and reach back to grab their ankles. They inhale and lift their chest and legs off the ground, pulling their ankles towards their buttocks, and hold the pose for a few breaths before releasing.

2. Tree Pose

The tree pose teaches kids to improve their balance and coordination while also strengthening their leg muscles. To do this pose, kids should stand with their feet hip-width apart, shift their weight onto one foot, and place the other foot on their thigh with the toes pointing down. They can then bring their hands together in front of their chest and hold the pose for a few breaths before switching sides.

3. Cobra Pose

The cobra pose helps strengthen kids' back muscles and improve flexibility. Kids start by lying on their stomachs with their hands under their shoulders, then inhale and lift their chest off the ground while keeping their elbows close to their sides.

4. Cat Pose

The cat pose can help relieve tension in the spine and neck. Kids start on their hands and knees with a neutral spine, then exhale to round their back towards the ceiling, tuck their tailbone under, and drop their head. They inhale to arch their back, lifting their chest and tailbone, and repeat this flowing movement with their breath.

5. Child's Pose

The child's pose is a partner yoga pose that can help kids relieve stress and tension while stretching their hips, thighs, and ankles. Kids kneel on the floor, sit back on their heels, and fold their torso forward, resting their forehead on the ground while reaching their arms forward or alongside their body.

6. Camel Pose

The camel pose helps children to improve their posture and build strength in their back muscles. Kids start by kneeling with their knees hip-width apart. They then place their hands on their lower back, fingers pointing down, and inhale deeply to lift their chest towards the ceiling while arching their back.

7. Downward Dog Pose

The downward dog pose helps kids to stretch their entire body and build strength after a long exercise routine. Kids start on their hands and knees, then lift their hips up and back, straightening their legs and pressing their heels towards the ground while keeping their hands firmly planted on the mat and their head relaxed between their arms.


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The information provided in this content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routines.

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