
Lethargy & lack of interest

Written by Pragya Lodha
Published: Sep 12

Homeinfographics-breadcrumbParenting Topicsinfographics-breadcrumbParenting Preparednessinfographics-breadcrumbParenting Insightsinfographics-breadcrumb Tips to get your child physically ready for a return to school

Physical health is essential, especially for children. Learning good habits early in life keeps them physically, and mentally healthy. It also helps them manage their academic performance.

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Feeling Tired AllThe Time

Lack Of Interest InPrior Hobbies

Lack Of Emotion Or Feeling Indifferent

Difficulty In CompletingEveryday Tasks

Trouble Meeting GoalsOr Deadlines

Decreased Social Involvement

Children are expected to have behavioural and mood changes. However, if symptoms persist for an extended period, you should speak to your child and offer support. You may also seek help from a professional or trusted community member. Even your family doctor would be able to refer you to a psychologist or mental health professional.

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