Weak bones are a serious concern among growing children. Here are 10 signs to identify it.
Weak bones also weaken the spine, making it difficult to bear normal stress.
Loss of bone density can also lead to stunted growth and loss of height in growing kids.
Bone loss can cause your child to have a stooped posture due to weakening and curving of the vertebrae.
A common sign of weak and brittle bones is frequent and easy fracturing of the bone.
When the bone density of the jawbone goes down, teeth may come loose.
Weak bones can cause them to feel extra stressed by your child’s normal body weight.
Knocking knees results from bone malformation due to calcium or vitamin D deficiency.
When the discs in your child’s spine are compressed enough, they reduce lung capacity.
As teeth are connected to the jawbone, your child’s gums can recede when it is losing bone.
This is when your child’s sternum sticks out due to the deformation of weak bones.