Physics is everywhere, from daily objects to daily tasks, and the best way to learn is by using objects at home. Simple items like balloons, water bottles or spoons can teach kids a lot about gravity, motion and energy. Here is how to teach kids physics with everyday objects.
Attach a balloon to a straw on a string, blow it up and release to show how air pushes objects forward (Newton’s Third Law).
Kids can build bridges using paper and books to learn about weight distribution and structural stability.
Fill a bottle with different amounts of water to teach kids about balance, motion and center of gravity.
Hide metal objects and use a magnet to find them to learn about magnetic force.
Put different materials inside a can and roll it to see how mass and momentum affect movement.
Use a flashlight and toys to learn about light, shadows and how they change with distance.
Drop different objects in water to learn about density and buoyancy.