Winter can slow kids down, but simple strength training exercises can keep their bodies strong and active. Here are 7 kid-friendly strength training exercises:
Get them to bend their knees and lower their hips like sitting on an imaginary chair. This will strengthen their legs and balance.
Get them to put their hands on a wall and push their body away. This is a gentle way to build upper body strength without straining their arms.
Get them to hold their body straight like a plank while resting on their hands and toes. This will strengthen their core and posture.
Have them lie on their stomach, lift their arms and legs off the ground and pretend to fly. This will strengthen their back.
Jumping with their arms and legs out to the sides in a star shape will strengthen their legs and endurance.
Lying on their back they can lift their hips to form a bridge. This will strengthen their lower back and legs.
Simple forward lunges strengthen their legs and balance and are fun and dynamic.