

Sugar and Bournvita: What Parents Need to Know | Dr Nisha Ojha

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Parents often ask Dr. Nisha, 'Should I ban sugar from my child’s diet?' Sugar, when consumed in moderation, can make nutritious foods more enjoyable. In fact, even WHO says that up to 42.5 grams of sugar per day for children (aged 7-9 years) is ok to consume . Bournvita, with just 6.5 grams of added sugar per serve (15% of the WHO limit), provides a perfect balance of taste and nutrition as it is packed with essential micronutrients like Vitamin D, Iron, and Zinc. #StrengthEveryday #Bournvita #BournvitaSugar #BournvitaSugarContent #BournvitaForKids #isbournvitasafe #bournvitakefayede #NutritionForKids

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