- Create Games Focused On Nutrition
- Act Casual
- Keep Patience
- Get Creative
- Cook Up A Storm, Together
- Give Them A Say
This is the 21st century and children have grown smarter with the rise of smart devices, sometimes even trumping the latter and blazing ahead with their wits. But at the end of the day, they are still little 7 and 8-year-olds who need their mommy and daddy to look after them. Therefore, though the diet is their child’s, parents must perfect the balancing act of nutrition to ensure their well-rounded development. But can you really help second graders understand the importance of a well-rounded diet? The answer lies ahead in some quick and easy tips to help your second graders understand the importance and value of a balanced diet.
Tips To Make Your 2nd Graders Understand The Value Of A Balanced Diet
1. Create Games Focused On Nutrition
Make up games for your child, and you will not need a phone to keep them busy for a long process of teaching and learning about nutrition. Teach them the names of different vitamins, minerals, and nutrients by associating them with alphabets. For example, P can be associated with Phosphorus and Potassium, while B can be linked to B vitamins and beta-carotene. Surprise them by letting them pick any 3 alphabets and make a meal from the nutrition associated with them. These games will not only employ their memory and learning skills but also intrigue your second graders to know and play more balanced diet games.
2. Act Casual
Always be casual while your second graders are eating. Do not nag or constantly scold them even if they are wasting food or making faces while eating their vegetables. Such negative attention can create resentment and prejudice in them. Be strict when disciplining or telling them not to waste food; otherwise, remain cool during meals and do not pay them special attention. This invisibility often influences kids to try and even start enjoying a balanced diet while thinking they are their own bosses.
3. Keep Patience
Be patient and maintain consistency. Children may need to be introduced to a food up to 10 times before they finally like it or give it a try. If you wish your child to understand the importance of a healthy, balanced diet, keep your cool. Nowadays, kids do not have shaking legs while being scolded, so that approach will not work. Instead, try to create a free and calm space that will allow both your kid and you to cool down, as you talk things out.
4. Get Creative
Creativity is the only advantage parents have over fast food and processed snacks. Since homemade food is the safest, try to go Van Gogh in your own kitchen while employing aestheticism in cooking. An ordinary curry can also be garnished and plated creatively at home with some whole grains and vegetables, to appear unique and appealing. You need not be a chef, but your child will be more eager to try a healthy dish at home if it looks better. Children may be neophobic, but they are always adventurous in their known sphere.
5. Cook Up A Storm, Together
Cook up luncheons and picnics, but together with your kid. Of course, you will not let them go near a gas stove or pressure cooker, but they can assist you in chopping, slicing, rinsing, and stirring while you talk nutrition to them. Teach them the basics of nutrition in a fun manner and in a way they understand. Food fun facts can also be a fun icebreaker in such sessions. Tickle their fancy because you can hear rhubarb growing in the dark, as they grow very fast. Or the fact that watermelons are actually berries!
6. Give Them A Say
Give your kids a say. In order to listen, one must have the choice to speak as well, or else they will never want to learn. Your second grader might have queries, suggestions, and opinions, even at their tender age. Let them feel free and comfortable enough to reach out to you. Explain portion control to them and let them choose how much they wish to eat. Even if they pick two pieces of broccoli, it is an improvement as they willingly choose vegetables and eat them.
Second grade is the perfect age for your kids to learn the balancing act of nutrition. As they are at an age, when the world is their oyster and everything intrigues them. Learning at a later age can lead to fussy eaters, food intolerances, and allergies. It is always ideal to maintain a household that does not associate healthy foods with a ‘yucky’ exclamation, as they have picked up the behavior from their surroundings. Set a good example for your child by following a balanced diet yourself. Kids adore listening to and obeying people who practice what they preach, be it the importance of a well-rounded diet or loving all food groups equally.
The views expressed are that of the expert alone.
The information provided in this content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routines.