⁠Bone Power And Bournvita: How Is The Beverage Mix Connected To Strong Bones?

⁠Bone Power And Bournvita: How Is The Beverage Mix Connected To Strong Bones?

Written by Kaushiki Gangully
Published: September 3, 2024

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Bournvita And Bone Power: Exploring The Link
Bournvita And It’s Benefits


In the 21st century, brittle and fragile bones are a rising crisis among kids and adults alike in theIndian subcontinent. The elderly, adults, and children all face the consequences of consuming adiet poor in certain nutrients that strengthen bones. Nutrients like vitamin D and calcium arehighly beneficial for bones as they repair, strengthen, and regulate them at a cellular level.

And this is why Bournvita is such a hit among parents. While vitamin D-enriched milk containscalcium as well, when it is paired with the chocolatey goodness of Bournvita, kids do nothesitate to drink it up. If your child dislikes milk and does not get adequate nutrition, an enrichedcereal-based beverage mix like Bournvita is quite likely to help.

Bournvita And Bone Power: Exploring The Link

Several foods contain good amounts of calcium and other bone-strengthening minerals.However, vitamin D is an increasingly difficult nutrient to locate. Also known as the sunshinevitamin, vitamin D is actually a fat-soluble secosteroid hormone. This means it can either beproduced in the human body by absorbing adequate sunlight and UV rays or consumed viadietary sources.

But parents need not fret any longer as their nostalgic cereal-based beverage mix is here to sortout the nutritional puzzle. Bournvita is enriched with many ingredients that are linked, asnutrients, to strong bones. Along with vitamin D, calcium, iron, iodine, vitamins A and C, amongothers, Bournvita has ingredients that are enriched with several bone-strengthening nutrients. Itis important to note that only consuming Bournvita cannot directly ensure bone health. Aholistic, balanced diet and healthy lifestyle are among the many factors that contribute to lifelongbone health.

Bournvita And It’s Benefits

  • Bournvita contains iodine and iron. Both nutrients are responsible for improving cognitivefunctioning in kids.
  • Bournvita and B vitamins are great friends. Bournvita has vitamins B1 (thiamin), B2(riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), and B12.B vitamins have two main functions: improving energy-yielding metabolism and reducingtiredness and fatigue in children. Therefore, two serves of Bournvita per day and a gooddose of B vitamins help keep kids energetic all day.
  • Bournvita contains important vitamins and nutrients that support and aid children’snatural immune systems. So, adding this cereal-based beverage along with a proper dietwhich contains ample amounts of Vitamin A, vitamin C, copper, selenium, and zinc, willhelp your kids remain healthy and active.


Bournvita is a cereal-based drink base that appeals to your kid’s taste buds, takes you on ajourney down nostalgia lane, and offers nutrition to all. Thanks to its great levels of Vitamin D,calcium, and other bone-strengthening ingredients, milk and Bournvita make a power-packednutritional combo.


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