Exercises to Strengthen Children’s Immune Systems

Exercises to Strengthen Children’s Immune Systems

Written by Kaushiki Gangully
Published: December 29, 2024

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Table of Contents
Exercises To Strengthen Your Child’s Immune System
  • Supta Virasana
  • Virabhadrasana III
  • Uttanasana
  • Vasisthasana
  • Eka Hastya Bhujasana
  • Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana
  • Halasana

Just like a knight is vulnerable to attack without his armor, humans are prone to germs and viruses without their immune systems. It is the body’s natural protective barrier, present in the form of certain cells and molecules of the blood, like cytokines and immunoglobulins. They help fight infection and stave off foreign presence in the body. But how can you enhance it in kids without altering their current lifestyle?

Children nowadays lead a hectic and unhealthy life filled with stress, junk food, and a sedentary mindset, with an invitation ready for lifestyle diseases like obesity and diabetes. Their busy days, comprising school, tuition, extracurricular, and more, often drain them without replenishing their body with adequate rest, energy, and nourishment.

While rest and nourishment are still in the hands of parents, exercises are something kids need to be encouraged to participate in to improve their immunity and overall well-being. So, give these exercises a try to strengthen your child’s immune system.

Exercises To Strengthen Your Child’s Immune System
Exercises To Strengthen Children’s Immune Systems
1. Supta Virasana

For this yoga asana, your child can start with a bolster behind their back. To do this, ask them to sit between their heels with the bolster behind their tailbone. Then, they need to lie back on the bolster, with their legs folded under and their palms facing upwards. They should lie in the position for 10 to 15 seconds. This asana greatly improves blood circulation and activates various muscle groups while enhancing respiration in kids.

2. Virabhadrasana III

This yoga asana teaches kids balance and posture while honing various muscle groups and lowering blood pressure. This asana requires them to interlace their fingers and raise them behind the back of their head. Then, shift weight to one foot and lift the other foot behind till it stretches straight behind at hip level. Press knuckles up to the sky and repeat the pose on each foot for 5-8 seconds each.

3. Uttanasana
Exercises To Strengthen Children’s Immune Systems - Uttanasana

This asana works like magic for kids’ immunity as it improves blood circulation, helps flush out toxins, and keeps their immune system in top gear. To do this, your kid needs to stand with their feet hip-width apart and fold forward from their hips. As they are near the ground, reach out with both hands and place them on the ground. Distribute weight evenly through your feet and hold position for a few seconds.

4. Vasisthasana

Vasisthasana or side plank is a wonderful exercise for your kid’s health as it improves cardiovascular endurance and muscular system and lowers the risk of obesity and depression. To do this asana, your kid needs to balance their weight on one hand and the outside of the respective foot. Then, extend their other arm over their head. Now lift that very side of the body off the ground and arch it to be in a side plank position.

5. Eka Hastya Bhujasana

This exercise improves the arm, shoulder, hips, and lower back muscles. It strengthens the abdominal muscles and tones the perineum. The elephant’s trunk pose is slightly challenging yet highly fun for kids. It involves sitting with their legs extended in front of them with their arms by their side, positioned on the ground. Bend one foot over its respective arm as high as possible. Then lift the hips onto their hands and let the other foot stay stretched straight ahead. Remind them to relax and breathe during the pose.

6. Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana

This yoga asana is excellent for your kid’s fitness and health. It strengthens and stretches several important muscle groups and hamstrings, detoxifies the body, improves digestion, and relieves kids from several mental health disorders. To do this pose, bend a knee and place its sole on the inside of the opposite foot’s thigh. The opposite foot should be stretched angular straight. The side bends backward to the stretched foot, with the opposite hand reaching over the ear to hold its toes. If possible, use both hands to hold the stretched foot. Repeat on both sides.

7. Halasana
Exercises To Strengthen Children’s Immune Systems - Halasana

This exercise is ultimate in enhancing your child’s immune system but is equally challenging. It ensures blood flows to every part of the body, to all nerve endings, strengthening immunity in the long run. To do the plow pose, kids need to lie back on their shoulders on a few layered blankets. Then, they need to engage their core and lift their body, hips, and legs up and over until the balls of their feet touch the floor. Stretch and interlace hands behind for balance and strength.


Immunity is important. It can make or break your kid’s health when staving off infections and bacteria. Therefore, it is ideal to ensure your kids lead a healthier lifestyle with more exercise, rest, nourishment, and lots of playtime. Try restricting digital time to enhance their mental well-being and sleep. So, give these exercises a try and watch their immunity bloom in no time.


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The views expressed are that of the expert alone.

The information provided in this content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routines.

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