Exploring Intuitive Eating- Listening to Your Body's Needs as a Family
Learning & Development

Exploring Intuitive Eating- Listening to Your Body's Needs as a Family

Written by Kaushiki Gangully
Published: December 29, 2024

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Table of Contents
Exploring Intuitive Eating - Tips On Listening To What The Body Needs As A Family
  • Reject Diet Mentality
  • Be Open-Minded To All Foods
  • Listen To Your Body’s Needs
  • Know When To Stop
  • Look For Satiety
  • Respect Your Body
  • Exercise To Burn Off Calories
  • Honor Your Health

Intuitive eating is a way of consuming food according to the body’s natural hunger cues and needs. It simply translates to eating when the body feels hungry and stopping when one feels full. But it was also developed as an eating framework created by two dietitians who integrated instinct with rationality and emotions.

Though formally developed in 1995, intuitive eating has been an inherent part of every human being growing up. As infants, all babies cried and drank milk when they were hungry while stopping when they had their fill. However, as kids grow up, a lot of external influences start affecting them. They forget to listen to their own body’s cues amid all the distractions. Multiple environmental and social factors play a role in your kid's relationship with food, from peer pressure to being exposed to Western foods to eating based on mood swings.

The internet has ensured adequate exposure of kids to all kinds of fad diets and impossible body image standards, which lead to various negative consequences. To avoid such complications and consequences, it is ideal to introduce your kids to eating intuitively as a family. Here's a quick guide on it with tips.

Exploring Intuitive Eating - Tips On Listening To What The Body Needs As A Family
Exploring Intuitive Eating: Listening to Your Body's Needs as a Family - Exploring Intuitive Eating - Tips On Listening To What The Body Needs As A Family
Reject Diet Mentality

While following a balanced diet is essential for health, social media posts often advocate fad diets that do more harm than good. Instead of looking for shortcuts to health and maintaining a good physique, it is ideal to listen to one’s body and eat intuitively. For example, instead of going for a random diet, try listening and identifying when your body feels hungry and plan meals and snacks accordingly.

Be Open-Minded To All Foods

Intuitive eating involves eating what your body needs and feels like eating. However, it is ideal to not label some foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and grains, as ‘yucky foods’ and burgers, cakes, and pizzas as ‘yummy foods.’ Such labels are not only misleading but also cause kids to develop an unhealthy relationship with food. Instead, teach them to be open-minded and respect all foods.

Listen To Your Body’s Needs

The main principle of intuitive eating involves listening to what the body needs and when. Often, when you are craving food, you may be dehydrated. It is imperative to identify these differences by drinking some water and waiting awhile. If the feeling of hunger persists, then it may be time for a snack.

Know When To Stop
Exploring Intuitive Eating: Listening to Your Body's Needs as a Family - Know When To Stop

Just like it is wonderful to eat when one feels hungry, it is equally vital to stop eating once you feel full. There may still be food left on your plate, but it is time to leave the table. Intuitive eating also involves actively listening for cues of satiety as well. Therefore, it also teaches kids portion control from a tender age.

Look For Satiety

While intuitive eating helps identify hunger, it is of primary importance to recognize signs of satiety and fulfillment. Intuitive eating is healthy only when a child has identified their food intake limits and sticks to it. This makes them appreciate every morsel and meal.

Respect Your Body

Teach children to respect their bodies, both inside and out. While intuitive eating helps kids heal their bodies and souls, it should not make them unhealthy in any way. Also, it is important to love one’s body just the way it is. There will always be a flawless, airbrushed photo of someone on social media who appears perfect but remember that is not real. Reality is what you can work with and listen to. Similarly, wear clothes and eat food that makes you feel good and helps you respect and treat yourself well.

Exercise To Burn Off Calories

Intuitive eating works best when there is the chance to ‘burn off’ any extra dessert consumed. Exercising may appear drab and boring to many, but it is downright exciting, especially when one is passionate or interested in it. So, exercise regularly to burn off calories and keep eating healthy.

Honor Your Health

When you are eating intuitively, cravings often kick in, and you may feel like indulging in a brownie or two. But do not. Eating intuitively means fulfilling your body’s needs with healthy foods, like farm produce and whole grains. Cakes, pastries, and more can be made at home and indulged in sometimes without ruining one’s health.

Exploring Intuitive Eating: Listening to Your Body's Needs as a Family - Conclusion

Intuitive eating has been a part of every kid’s life. It is time to put the devices away and bring the kids back to it. Not only will that improve their relationship with food, but it will also teach the entire family to listen to their body’s needs and fulfill them accordingly. No need to eat the same amount daily if you do not feel as hungry. Instead, try being intuitive with food, with the help of this guide, and watch your family bloom and thrive in their choice.


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The views expressed are that of the expert alone.

The information provided in this content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routines.

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