How To Help Your Teen Develop Healthy Study Habits For Class X And XII
Learning & Development

How To Help Your Teen Develop Healthy Study Habits For Class X And XII

Written by Kaushiki Gangully
Published: November 4, 2024

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Table of Contents
Tips To Help Your Teens Develop Healthy Study Habits
  • Note-Making Is Key
  • Eliminate Distractions During Study
  • Make Personal Study Schedules
  • Make Good Study Buddies
  • Organization Is Key
  • Sit With a Watch
  • Revision, Revision, And Revision
  • Develop Long-Term And Short-Term Goals

Teenage is a confusing and complicated phase. Not only are your kids growing up and becoming independent, but they are also becoming in charge of their future. But when exams and crucial school years, like classes 10 and 12 knock on the door, your kids should be prepared to deal with the academic pressure in a healthy way. That is why it is important for teens, especially in the 21st century, to develop healthy study habits before board exams are night.

The modern education system is not equipped to teach kids on an individualistic level. Therefore, they must be responsible for their own doubt clarification, self-study, and exam preparation, even with tutors. As your kids grow up, their study pressure builds up as well. So, your kids must develop a personal strategy, comprising of good study habits, to battle with exam stress and emerge triumphant in classes 10 and 12. Here are some tips on the same.

Tips To Help Your Teens Develop Healthy Study Habits
Note-Making Is Key

Note-making is essential for every student, especially when they have grown up. When your child’s syllabus comprises dozens of chapters, it is not possible to go through each one of them thoroughly before exams, like at the beginning of the year. In such cases, all the running and practice notes you make come to aid for revision. Also, learning and writing something down, or only the most difficult points, helps teens learn them better as well.

Eliminate Distractions During Study

It is important to eliminate all forms of distractions during studying. Study time should be solid, even if it is for two hours. So, do not allow any noise, phone notifications, person, or activity to hinder their active study time. Of course, basic kitchen and household noises cannot be controlled, but they can be minimized for ideal academic output in children.

Make Personal Study Schedules

There is no one fixed study schedule for teenagers, some are early birds while the rest are night owls. They need to figure out which time frame works best for them while providing ample time for rest, school, and playtime. Your kids can create personalized study schedules daily according to study requirements and the number of topics in their syllabus to meet academic goals.

Make Good Study Buddies

Try to help your teens make good study buddies. Group study is futile if all of it is spent chatting. It is ideal to have a group study session last for at least a couple of hours, with a snack break in the middle, while the rest of the time is spent preparing and brainstorming one topic after another, be it algebra or history.

Organization Is Key

Organizational skills are indeed important for developing healthy study habits as what is the use of preparing lots of notes if they are never found when needed? Try to make it fun for your kids by providing them with highlighters, files, binders, paper clips, sticky notes, and other fun labels and stickers. This will not only keep their study desk clutter-free but also instill a sense of organization and responsibility in them.

Sit With a Watch

Teach your kids the healthy habit of sitting down to study with a stopwatch or a clock. They should be strictly monitoring the time they study, pausing the timer, or excluding the time spent in bathroom breaks, talking, eating, or any other leisurely, non-academic activities. This will also give them an idea about how much time a topic takes to be learned and an estimation of their own preparation when exams draw near.

Revision, Revision, And Revision

Revision is key for class 10 and 12 students as their syllabus is huge with minimal topics that can be excluded. Therefore, your teens must begin preparing early, reading through their chapters, making notes, and such. So that by the time the exams come, your kids are more than prepared to write the test. And only revision can get them there.

Develop Long-Term And Short-Term Goals

Every child has a dream job or career. Ask your kid to set it and its necessary academic qualification as their long-term study goal. And set short-term, easily attainable goals that can be easily achieved in a few days to a week. This will not only improve your kid’s study habits and confidence but also fill them with a sense of achievement.


Classes 10 and 12 are important and trying years for your teens, both mentally and academically. Not only are they forming their own identity but are also trying to figure out their own future. Therefore, it is ideal for parents to help them on this trying path as much as possible while maintaining patience and empathy. Healthy study habits are not that difficult to form, provided your teens get to have a say in them. With you monitoring their blooming study habits and the help of this guide, their results are bound to soar.

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