How To Use Affirmations For Mindfulness In Kids

How To Use Affirmations For Mindfulness In Kids

Written by Kaushiki Gangully
Published: December 31, 2024

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Table of Contents
Tips On Using Affirmations For Mindfulness In Kids
  • Check The Emotional Thermostat
  • Maintain A Gratitude Journal
  • Start Slow
  • Affirm Them
  • Focus On Mindful Efforts
  • Do Not Overdo It
Easy Affirmations For Children To Try
  • ‘I Am Enough’
  • ‘I Am Strong And Resilient’
  • ‘I Am Patient And Kind’
  • ‘I Am Loved’

Mindfulness is a state of mind that involves focusing on and living in the present on a sensory, physical, and emotional level. It helps keep stress and anxious thoughts at bay while allowing kids to savor the goodness and accept the negativity of various situations in life. While it sounds easy enough, it takes patience and practice to attain that level of thinking on a daily, regular basis. One way of climbing the mountain of mindfulness is by using and believing in affirmations. What are affirmations? They are short, powerful expressions that bridge the gap between your present predicament and future success. These brief, assertive phrases use a first-person approach to visualizing and affirming positives in life. For example, ‘I am confident’ or ‘I am enough’. Such affirmations help children let go of inhibitions and run toward their dreams on top gear. Here’s a quick guide to using affirmations to inculcate mindfulness in kids.

Tips On Using Affirmations For Mindfulness In Kids
Check The Emotional Thermostat

It is ideal to check in with your child’s emotional thermostat regularly to help them understand it. Set a time aside daily to talk to your kids about their emotions and stress triggers. This is a mindfulness practice as it helps kids focus on and realize their emotions. Do not give them all the answers but guide them towards the correct realization. This will make them more mindful. Introduce them to affirmations accordingly and periodically.

Maintain A Gratitude Journal
Maintain A Gratitude Journal

After your kids get accustomed to the idea of affirmations, ask them to start and end every day by writing in their gratitude journal for 5 to 10 minutes. While this may appear futile to kids initially, soon they will learn to recognize what triggers them. This will help them identify and choose which affirmations work for them and motivate them to be better.

Start Slow

It is ideal to start slow with affirmations. Children may find it difficult to believe and say, ‘I am smart enough’. Tell them to start believing ‘I may be smart enough’ or ‘I will be smart enough’. This will help kids keep a positive mindset and believe in what they verbally and mentally affirm. Always remind them that their words have power and beliefs have resonance.

Affirm Them
Affirm Them

It is important to affirm your children to help them develop the habit. Try to do so daily or weekly, by holding them close, looking into their eyes and wholeheartedly affirming their skills and merits. This will help your children feel less stressed, more hopeful, and a lot more supported. A hug after further enhances the secretion of mood-boosting endorphins in them.

Focus On Mindful Efforts

Try to focus on your child’s mindful efforts and dedication instead of the output only. Everybody appreciates when your child is successful. But few will applaud their efforts on facing failure. Remind your kids of the value of working hard and being present in the process, even if they do not enjoy it. This will teach them valuable life lessons and inculcate an extra dose of appreciation for hard-earned success.

Do Not Overdo It

While affirming your children to develop mindfulness and confidence is imperative, it is also essential to not overdo it. Sometimes, excessive affirmations can make children feel suffocated and burdened, or nullify its impact, making them complacent instead. Maintain a healthy balance between motivation, affirmation, criticism, and discipline to nurture and raise a healthy child.

Easy Affirmations For Children To Try
Easy Affirmations For Children To Try
‘I Am Enough’

It is important for children to say and believe that they are enough. Often life and academics may throw unavoidable curveballs at them that may make them question their value. It is ideal for them to believe and remember that they are enough for you, no matter what.

‘I Am Strong And Resilient’

Most children nowadays are easily overwhelmed or break down emotionally when facing hurdles and obstacles in life. In order to develop a growth-oriented mindset and boost endurance in kids, make them believe that they are strong and resilient enough to follow through on their promises and endeavors.

‘I Am Patient And Kind’

This affirmation must be taught to every child from a tender age. It enables them to be empathetic and compassionate towards all while maintaining a level-headed approach to life.

‘I Am Loved’

It is important for children to truly believe that they are loved by their friends and family, even if they do not always have the leisure to show it. This affirmation improves the mental health of children tremendously while enhancing mindfulness and gratitude in them.


Affirmations are easier composed and said than believed. It takes time, practice, and willingness to make appropriate and meaningful use of them. But affirmations help kids develop a mindful approach to life in such a simple and meaningful way, that it must be given a try by every parent.

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The views expressed are that of the expert alone.

The information provided in this content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routines.


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