- Assign Projects
- Set Up A Reward System
- Never Criticize Negatively
- Join Their Endeavors
- Help Them Sign Up For Competitions
- Teach Them Failures Are Okay
In the 21st century, business and technology are thriving, while the arts are trying to make a mark in their own ways. But while the former make life easier and are honorable things to practice, the arts are what make life worth living, be it music, literature, drama, or even carpentry.
From watching a film to reading the news to eating food, there is art and creativity in everything. Even math has symmetry, and computers have the Fibonacci series, all of which are essential parts of art, both aesthetic and culinary. Therefore, art and creativity may be underrated, but their role in human existence and joy is not.
However, the aesthetic duo offers far more benefits than mere pleasure. They also develop perseverance and grit in individuals when practiced the right way. But how can you use art and creativity to teach kids perseverance? Here's a guide with some tips on it.
The Connection Between The Arts And Perseverance
When a person engages in artistic or creative pursuits, a number of factors play a role in developing perseverance in them. Primarily, when somebody creates something, they do not always have the perfect figure in mind. They have to figure out on the go while solving every hurdle and creative obstacle they face.
For example, while writing a poem, a writer may have the rhyme scheme and theme in mind, but not everything is planned. They still have to figure out the meter, the words, and the emotions and chalk out the actual poem. They need to persevere and not be faced with the lack of immediate solutions.
Secondly, when one engages in the arts, one needs to be patient about results. For example, the paintings in art galleries appear stunning, and some may appear easy to paint. But in reality, it takes hours and days, some even weeks to complete. Not because the person is lazy, but because creativity requires tremendous cognitive involvement and also ends up draining a person’s energy when engaged all day.
Therefore, creativity and artistry teach kids the art of patience and develop their perseverance to last till the very end and see the art completed in all its glory. And finally, the arts teach kids the value of individuality and authenticity, instilling a sense of perseverance against all odds to develop one’s own voice and contribute something valuable to society.
Tips On Using Art And Creativity To Teach Kids Perseverance

Assign Projects
To teach kids perseverance, assign artistic projects to them. Be it picking up a dance routine in a week or finishing a doll house on the weekend. This will keep them engaged and creatively active. When kids are assigned projects with a timeline, it teaches them responsibility and time management
Set Up A Reward System
It is ideal to initially set up a reward system. This will help solidify perseverance and keep them hooked to their assigned projects. When they finish a task on time, be consistent and award them the promised privilege or art supply to keep the cycle going.
Never Criticize Negatively
If your kid is starting, then this tip is even more vital. Do not criticize your kids' art negatively, ever. It may be that their subject’s fingers are too bony, or their sun is colored purple. Let those be. Explain how they could do their art differently and let them choose. Kids who are not conscious about their art love to learn and do better, compared to those who cannot bear critical comments, negative or positive.
Join Their Endeavors

Try to join your kids in their artistic endeavors, especially if they are young. Ask your older kids if they would like your company. This will give them a chance to bond with you and learn valuable life lessons as well.
Help Them Sign Up For Competitions
If your kids are serious about their artistic pursuits or at least wish to compete, then sign them up for some local contests before going bigger. Getting critical and helpful insights from experienced judges and competing with other talented peers only improves your kid’s skills, both in creativity and perseverance.
Teach Them Failures Are Okay
Teach your kids that it is okay to make mistakes and that failures are not the end of the world. It may be that the dish they tried to make creatively for a competition did not turn out well. So what? They simply need to learn from their mistakes and do better. It is only when one makes mistakes and encounters failure that they begin to persevere and do better.

Art and creativity are always comforting food for the soul. But their beneficial effect on kids’ perseverance and mental toughness is equally commendable. So do not delay any longer and give this guide a try by using art and creativity to create and nurture perseverance in kids.
The views expressed are that of the expert alone.
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