Power-Packed Breakfast Ideas: Energy-Boosting Meals to Start Your Child's Day

Power-Packed Breakfast Ideas: Energy-Boosting Meals to Start Your Child's Day

Written by Kaushiki Gangully
Published: August 14, 2024

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Table of Contents
Power-Packed Breakfast Ideas For Kids
  • Scrambled eggs and multi-grain toast
  • Vegetable millet parathas
  • Breakfast smoothies
  • Yogurt and granola
  • Breakfast tacos
  • Oatmeal

Few people start their mornings rising with the sun and singing with the birds. For most people, it involves sprinting half-asleep and surviving public transport to school or work. And that is the reason why consuming energy-boosting meals for breakfast are important. Children have it worse. While adults work hard, but often take mini breaks to talk and move around, kids are disciplined hard and get no break from studies till recess.

Even after school ends, kids must go to tuition, return home and study, while keeping up with co-curriculars. At least adults get to finish their work and enjoy their brief leisure, either by watching a film or meeting up with friends. In order to ensure there is no vacuum of energy in your child’s life, here are some power-packed breakfast ideas that are not only easy-to-make but delicious to kids.

Power-Packed Breakfast Ideas For Kids
1. Scrambled eggs and multi-grain toast

Eggs are a great source of protein, choline, vitamin A, and vitamin D, and they are a nutritious start to the day when paired with some multigrain toast. Now, you may make them poaches and boiled eggs, but scrambled eggs are a great chance of introducing some veggies into your kids meal without them complaining about it. Simply ensure that the eggs are scrambled in minimal oil or butter and use spices wisely to bring out the best flavor. Also, do not overcook and make rubbery scrambled eggs as soft, mushy ones pair best with toast for a hearty, filling and energy-boosting start to the morning.

2. Vegetable millet parathas

Parathas are a classic North Indian food, with every Indian state having their own version of it. But while usual parathas are made with atta or maida and then stuffed with veggies like onions, horseradish, cabbage, and more, to make delicious but carb-rich breads to accompany the dish, millet parathas alter the scene. Research has shown that millets are known for their high content of calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, and protein, while being a healthy carb. Combine that with some delicious and healthy vegetable stuffings, like spinach, broccoli, beetroot, raw papaya, and mushroom, for a nutritious and power-packed breakfast for children.

3. Breakfast smoothies

Breakfast smoothies are the solution to kids who feel too nauseated to eat in the morning. Slip them a chilled smoothie in the summer heat while they travel to school. Full of healthy fruits, vegetables, milk, nut butter, yogurt, dry fruits, and seeds, smoothies are a great choice for kids to kick-start their morning. Spin a few frozen berries like strawberries, raspberries, with some spinach, banana, milk of choice, yogurt, almond butter, and honey, in the blender, till smooth. This nourishing breakfast will surely fill your kids with energy to race through the day.

4. Yogurt and granola

A refreshing and energetic breakfast to power through the day, yogurt and granola may top the list thanks to their ‘beat the heat’ vibe and nutrition wrapped in taste. Providing vitamin D, calcium, and some protein, yogurt sets the bar high, throwing a cooling effect into the mix. But homemade granola may topple it from its pedestal, due to the rich mix of dried fruits, nuts, cereals, grains, and seeds it is made from. Combine the rich health benefits of the two, and you have a rejuvenating breakfast that fills your mind and soul with the energy it needs to succeed.

5. Breakfast tacos

A delicious Mexican solution to the brekkie problem are breakfast tacos. Opt for soft-shell multigrain or whole-wheat tortillas. Use a lighter protein like scrambled eggs, paneer or soya chunks, as it is the morning and kids need a boost of energy, not a rocket off to Mars. Use homemade sour cream, yogurt, jalapenos, homemade vegetable salsa, and some shredded mozzarella or grated parmesan cheese for a satisfying and energy-boosting breakfast that is both healthy and tempting.

6. Oatmeal

Rich in antioxidants, fiber, essential fatty acids, vitamin E, and protein, oatmeal is a great breakfast option, especially for children. But since only oatmeal tastes bland and boring, it is better to make it tastier and more nourishing by adding some natural flavors, honey, nut butters, or fresh fruits to it. Maybe even a sprinkle of dark chocolate chips to zing up a healthy and power-packed breakfast for children.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for kids. Not only does it provide children with the energy to kickstart the day, but also supplies healthy vitamins and micronutrients that a body needs after breaking a fast to regulate the digestive system and boost metabolism. Thus, the name, ‘breakfast’. To ensure your children have a better day than the previous one, every day, give these power-packed breakfast ideas a try. Their days are getting longer and busier as well, and they cannot afford to fall back, especially when it comes to energy and breakfast. These energy-boosting meal options will make sure of that.

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The information provided in this content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routines.

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