Yoga For Improved Posture And Core Strength In Children

Yoga For Improved Posture And Core Strength In Children

Written by Kaushiki Gangully
Published: October 28, 2024

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Table of Contents
Benefits Of Yoga For Children
Yoga Asanas For Improving Posture And Core Strength In Children
  • Bhujangasana Or Cobra Pose
  • Dhanurasana Or Bow Pose
  • Baddha Konasana Or Butterfly Pose
  • Vrikshasana Or Tree Pose
  • Sarvangasana Or Shoulder Stand Pose

 Yoga is a spiritual and physical experience based on a subtle but solid science that focuses on uniting mind and body. It brings harmony to art and science, parents and children, humans, and nature, as well as physical and mental wellness. The term ‘yoga’ comes from the ancient Sanskrit root ‘yuj’, which means ‘to join’ or connect. It refers to the essential connection formed between the mind, body, and soul, resulting in mindfulness, fitness, and solace in kids. It is no magic, but a practiced art based on performance, meditation, and science. Since yoga asanas or poses focus on helping or boosting the function of muscles, organs, and bodily processes, they are highly beneficial in improving fitness, posture, and core strength in children. Here is a quick guide to it.

Benefits Of Yoga For Children


  • Develops Self-Control In Kids
  • Lowers Stress And Anxiety Levels
  • Improves Focus And Attention Span
  • Increases Flexibility And Stamina
  • Teaches Proper Posture
  • Improves Sleep Patterns
  • Boosts Family Bonding
  • Improves Health
  • Enhances Their Self-Esteem
  • Inculcates Mindfulness

Yoga Asanas For Improving Posture And Core Strength In Children

An unknown benefit of yoga remains the core strength it builds, training your back muscles to your core abdominal ones so well, that maintaining a healthy, tall posture comes naturally. Also, yoga naturally develops endurance and stamina in kids. When your kids are mindfully practicing a particular asana, focusing on the muscle groups and breathing right, it increases core strength better than gym training. Give these yoga asanas a try to improve your kid’s core strength and posture.

Bhujangasana Or Cobra Pose

Benefits - Bhujangasana or the cobra pose improves back, arm muscles improve posture and strengthen core muscles. 

How To Do - To do this pose, your child needs to lie face down on the yoga mat or floor. Then place their palms on the ground, at chest level, with their elbows pointing out. Then arch the upper half of their body upward, supported by their arms, while the waist and legs remain outstretched and in position. Hold the pose for some time, starting with 10 seconds, before slowly lowering down and resting. 

Dhanurasana Or Bow Pose

Benefits - Dhanurasana or bow pose enhances arm and leg muscles greatly and improves the strength of the back and core abdominal muscles while reducing stress.

How To Do - To do this pose, your child needs to lie on their stomach on the mat, bend their knees backward, and raise their feet. Using their arms, they must hold their ankles or calves, so that their waist remains on the ground, while their upper body and legs are raised, supported by their hands. Their body should appear like a bow, reverse-arching on the ground. Try to hold the pose for at least 10 seconds before slowly increasing time and repetitions.

Baddha Konasana Or Butterfly Pose


Benefits - Baddha konasana or butterfly pose strengthens the lower abdomen and upper thigh muscles tremendously, aids in digestion, reduces stress, and improves core strength.

How To Do - To do this pose, your child needs to sit on the ground, with their feet placed together like folded hands, and knees sticking out the sides. Now, they need to use their hands to hold the folded feet together and slowly bring them closer, while flapping their knees like the wings of a butterfly. This pose greatly enhances the health of your sporty kid’s hamstrings and makes a wonderful warm-up exercise for them as well.

Vrikshasana Or Tree Pose

Benefits - Vrikshasana or tree pose improves balance and posture, strengthens legs and feet, improves height, and promotes concentration in kids.

 How To Do - To do this simple yet effective pose, your child must stand on one foot, after figuring out their center of gravity or point of equal distribution of weight to help balance against gravity. The other foot with be entwined into its opposite thigh, like a criss-cross tree vine. Their hands should be folded into the praying position, and reach out to the skies.

Sarvangasana Or Shoulder Stand Pose

Benefits - Sarvangasana or shoulder stand pose is one of the more challenging poses with a powerhouse of benefits, ranging from increased blood and oxygen flow to the brain, improved cognition, tremendous core, back, and shoulder strength, to improved flexibility of the lumbar area and spine.

 How To Do - To do this pose, your kid needs to lie on their back and lift their legs to 90 degrees, before lifting their hips off the ground. Their feet should point upward while their legs move toward their head. Then they should use their palms to support their waist and back, trying to keep the legs raised straight, and the torso and stomach in a line. Their chin should be against their chest and their body will be doing a headstand, but with their shoulders instead, in a much safer way. For extra safety and balance, they can start by using the support of a wall behind them.


Yoga For Improved Posture And Core Strength In Children - conclusion


Yoga is an essential physical activity for children, to improve their posture and core strength while offering a plethora of other health benefits. Give this guide a try and your child will soon become a fitness enthusiast while acing academics and having good mental health.

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The information provided in this content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routines.

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