Yoga And Dance For Teenage Girls: Building Confidence And Resilience

Yoga And Dance For Teenage Girls: Building Confidence And Resilience

Written by Smriti Dey
Published: October 28, 2024

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Table of Contents
Concept Of Yoga
Concept Of Dance
Benefits Of Yoga And Dance For Teenage Girls
  • 1. Confidence
  • 2. Resilience And Femininity
  • 3. Fitness
  • 4. Self-Love
  • 5. Menstrual Pain Management

Girls always find it difficult to find a hobby that suits them the best. There is always an issue that contradicts their interests when choosing the correct hobby. When they go for journalling or designing something, it becomes a matter of too many choices, making them confused. When they go for sports, they find it quite time-consuming.

It is true that a teenage girl's mind is like a butterfly. They are delicate and moody and want to try something new and unique every now and then. If your teenage girls haven't found interest in sports or other hobbies, why not try dance and yoga for a change? It may be basic, but it is interesting. Keep on reading to know more!

Concept Of Yoga

Many different unheard aspects of yoga are new to teenagers and even adults. If your girl thinks that yoga is a set of slow and boring exercises, they are completely wrong. Yoga has many different sections, including many interesting exercises and stunts which support women's health and fitness.

Yoga is just an umbrella that carries a wide range of exercises to try. Along with breathing exercises, flexibility stunts and asanas, there are different postures which girls can try to ease out hormones and boost reproduction cycle and vaginal health.

Connecting with yoga will help girls boost their flexibility, strength, stamina, and confidence while doing something unique.

Concept Of Dance

Dancing in Hindu scriptures is indicated as a holy art form which apsaras from heaven used to perform. Dance is not just an art form or a hobby; it is beyond pen and paper. Dancing can go a long way when it comes to hobbies. If your girls want to try something old school, they can always try classical dancing, while if they are interested in Western dances, they can try hip hop and other upcoming styles.

No matter the dance form your child chooses, a graceful body posture, body flexibility, resilience, and confidence with other heightened senses and expressions will follow. Dance is a follow-up of lyrics by the body describing a story, ultimately making the human body fit and flexible.

Benefits Of Yoga And Dance For Teenage Girls

Dance and yoga are expressive and very comfortable. However, most teenage girls feel that they have not expressed themselves enough. These art forms fill those voids, helping them find themselves with other physical and mental benefits. Here are some of the benefits of yoga and dancing for teenage girls to look out for:


Confidence is an element where fear of performing in front of people is absent. Confidence is a feeling that shines through without any fear; being proud of oneself. Yoga and dancing are the epitome of confidence because they enable teenage girls to showcase their emotions and feelings through various art forms and help them relax. Fitness is about physical and mental aspects, while dance encourages girl children to be free from society's expectation; yoga boosts mental clarity and women's health. Also, confidence in knowing something unique can set teenage girls apart from the rest of the crowd, helping them get a name for themselves.

2.Resilience And Femininity

Yoga and dance might be common and ancient to India but developing new aspects or even exploring those ancient postures and dance forms requires a determined mind. Passionately following a hobby is not an easy task in any field. It requires proper resilience and discipline to follow up and keep up.

Dance and yoga thrill girls to express themselves while overcoming adversity every time by practicing hard enough. They instantly become resilient about their hobby, following their passion proudly. These activities advocate the soft skills of a girl embracing femininity along with values but also fitness.


Yoga and dance are all about fitness, comfort, and a hobby's creative aspects. Without fitness, dancing and yoga can be a bit difficult to attain in its purest form. Yoga and dancing can be known as a challenge to attain grace and femininity, with proper body posture and flexibility. On the other hand, it is a journey rather than a lesson; dancing through the years or doing yoga through time makes a girl fit and comfortable in their own skin.


Along with all the other aspects, the major benefit of taking up a hobby like dance or yoga is that it teaches self-love. Most girls are burdened with lots of insecurity. Dance and yoga enable teenage girls to express themselves better with movements like journaling. Yoga and dance help a girl relieve all the depression and anger outside. Yoga and dance are true states of a happy mind rather than just exercises.

5.Menstrual Pain Management

Dance and yoga also benefit a teenage girl with menstrual pain management. There are different asanas that directly impact the uterus, giving instant relief during menstrual cramps. Light dance movements in tune with music can improve mood swings, making teenage girls happy and expressive.


Now that you know about dancing and yoga and how it benefits the body physically and mentally, why not encourage your teenage girls to try out some dance forms and yoga postures for their fitness and mental peace? There are lots of dances and yoga postures to try which enhances feminine traits in the girls, empowering them. It is a never-ending saga of curiosity and challenge.

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The views expressed are that of the expert alone.

The information provided in this content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routines.


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