Watermelon, mango, litchi: Which one is best for your kids in summer?
Food & Diet

Watermelon, mango, litchi: Which one is best for your kids in summer?

Written by Deepali Verma
Published: October 26, 2024

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Watermelon Benefits
Mango Benefits
Litchi Benefits

Summer is a colourful season with a plentiful supply of juicy and refreshing fruits. Some of the most popular summer fruits among children are watermelon, mango, and litchi. Each of these fruits provides unique flavours and textures that can even attract the fussiest of children. More importantly, they are filled with several important nutrients that help in the growth and development of children. With temperatures soaring, these fruits do not only keep kids hydrated but also offer a whole host of health benefits and are thus welcome in summer diets.

Parents always face the dilemma of choosing the most suitable fruits for their kids, balancing taste, nutrition, and handling ease. All the more reason why the most sought-after summer fruits are watermelons, mangoes, and litchis. Each of these is packed with a specific set of benefits that can be understood to make informed choices in accordance with diet plans and preferences. :et’s go through the benefits of watermelon, mango, and litchi, and why each of these should find a place in your child's summer diet.

Watermelon Benefits

An indispensable summer fruit: Watermelons are an immensely sweet and watery fruit that is ideal for hot days. Filled with 92% water, watermelon provides hydration, which is important for children who are at risk of dehydration, particularly during the summer season. Staying hydrated promotes temperature control, digestion, and joint lubrication, which are important functions that ensure children remain lively and healthy.

Watermelon is nutritionally rich in vitamins and minerals. It provides an excellent source of vitamins A and C, which help in maintaining healthy skin as well as boosting the immune system. Vitamin A is essential for good vision, while vitamin C helps in the absorption of iron and also in collagen production to promote good wound healing. Moreover, watermelon also contains lycopene, an antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage and provides cardio-protective support. Lastly, watermelon is low in calories, ensuring it is a guilt-free snack that can be consumed without any restrictions. It is, in fact, a favorite among children and can be relished in slices, cubes, or even pureed in natural juices and smoothies.

Mango Benefits

Mango is also known as the ‘King of fruits’ and has a rich nutritional profile making it one of the summertime favorites. Rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C and A, the same plays a important role in aiding a child's growth and development. Vitamin C present in mangoes boosts the immune system of a child and helps protect from infections while also benefiting the skin through its collagen synthesis. Vitamin A supports good eye health, preventing dryness, and helps in improving vision, thus being a must-have vitamin for growing children.

Mangoes are also a good source of dietary fibre, thus supporting digestion and preventing constipation. This, being one of the prime concerns with children, comes as another advantage of including mangoes in their diet. Mangoes also contain a range of antioxidants, including beta-carotene, which is believed to protect the body against the damage inflicted by free radicals and support good health. The natural sugars in the fruit further help in giving a quick energy boost and thus make it a good snack for an active child. Its taste is very inviting with its sweet and tangy flavor profile; mangoes can be had in several ways, right from fresh slices or smoothies to traditional Indian preparations like aamras or mango lassi. Including mango in a child's diet not only gives them a flavourful fruit but also provides them with a range of important nutrients.

Litchi Benefits

Litchi, with its refreshing and fragrant taste, is another very good choice for children during summers. This small fleshy fruit is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that contribute to health and well-being. Litchi contains a pretty good amount of vitamin C, providing more than 100% of the daily recommended intake in just one cup. A high content of vitamin C enhances the immune system, helps in better absorption of iron in the body, and promotes healthy skin.

In addition to vitamin C, litchis also contain vitamin B6, niacin, riboflavin, folate, copper, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and manganese. All these vitamins and minerals play a very important role in various metabolic processes and energy production in the human body, which in turn helps maintain healthy skin and hair. Litchis also contain a good amount of polyphenol compounds possessing antioxidants that play a protective role against the body from stress and inflammation.

Further, litchis are rich in dietary fibre, which promotes digestion and helps in avoiding constipation. Besides, the high water content in the fruit helps in maintaining children's hydration status during the heated summer months. They can be eaten fresh, mixed into a fruit salad, or used in making various forms of food and drinks. Their exotic flavor, combined with their various health benefits, makes them a treat for children while eating healthily during summer.

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